

Creating a Collaborative Syllabus Using Moodle



A "collaborative syllabus" is one in which the students have the ability to help determine the specifics of a course. Those specifics can be any element that a professor is willing to be flexible with (such items as the objectives, grading, attendance policies, types of assignments, and so on). The logic behind this tool is that by actively participating in the creation of the syllabus, students are able to signal what they want to learn and how they want to learn it and then (potentially) set the standard by which they will be accountable.

An instrument that has been successfully used before, the collaborative syllabus suffered in one crucial area: It required too much class time to create it. Being unfamiliar with the concept, students first had to have it explained to them in one class period. Following that, there would be several sessions where they would discuss their thoughts, vote on what to incorporate/exclude, and edit the existing document. Given the constraints of the typical 15-week semester, every session is dear, and it is difficult to lose one to such a process, let alone three or four.

In pursuit of a better approach that saved class time, we at Anderson University turned to Moodle for an experiment. The more input students could have in the process outside of class, the more class time could be saved for covering the material. Given that, the creation of the collaborative syllabus was then approached in a three-step process. This article details the steps taken, and the results of walking through this process.

Step 1: Assessment of Students


Traditionally, a large number of students at Anderson University who take the eBusiness course in the fall then take the eCommerce course in the spring (the course for which the collaborative syllabus is being created). With four weeks to go before the end of the fall semester, students in the eBusiness course were asked to access the ATTLS survey in Moodle and answer the questions asked as openly and honestly as possible.

The Attitudes Toward Thinking and Learning (ATTLS) survey was developed to identify "connected" and "separate" learning styles (Galotti, 1999). According to the authors of the survey instrument, "Separate knowing ... involves objective, analytical, detached evaluation of an argument or piece of work", while "Connected knowers look for why it makes sense, how it might be right"; they "... look at things from the other's point of view, in the other's own terms, and try first to understand the other's point of view rather than evaluate it." (Galotti)

Moodle includes the ability to administer this instrument utilizing a 20-question, five-point Likert scale as shown below.

Verbally, the students were told that although Moodle records who accesses each element, that information would not be examined, and every survey would be considered anonymous. Within the survey, the information relayed to them prior to starting it was as follows:

In an effort to better understand how to change the direction of this course the next time it is offered, your help is needed in completing this survey. There are 20 questions and your answers will not be visible to any user but you. Please spend a few minutes completing this survey prior to December 4th.
The students were also verbally told that the purpose of the survey was to be the first step in the creation of the syllabus for the upcoming eCommerce course; this served as an additional incentive for those students signed up for that course to complete this. Of the 22 students enrolled in eBusiness, 12 completed the survey.

ATTLS maps the difference between connected learning and separate learning, and the following shows the summary of these based upon the twelve responses to the 20 questions.

The actual list of questions, and mean/median/mode for each, are as follows:

1. When I encounter people whose opinions seem alien to me, I make a deliberate effort to 'extend' myself into that person, to try to see how they could have those opinions444
2. I can obtain insight into opinions that differ from mine through empathy.444
3. I tend to put myself in other people's shoes when discussing controversial issues, to see why they think the way they do.444
4. I'm more likely to try to understand someone else's opinion than to try to evaluate it.444
5. I try to think with people instead of against them.444
6. I feel that the best way for me to achieve my own identity is to interact with a variety of other people.445
7. I am always interested in knowing why people say and believe the things they do.444
8. I enjoy hearing the opinions of people who come from backgrounds different to mine - it helps me to understand how the same things can be seen in such different ways.445
9. The most important part of my education has been learning to understand people who are very different to me.344
10. I like to understand where other people are 'coming from', what experiences have led them to feel the way they do.444
11. I like playing devil's advocate - arguing the opposite of what someone is saying.333
12. It's important for me to remain as objective as possible when I analyze something.334
13. In evaluating what someone says, I focus on the quality of their argument, not on the person who's presenting it.344
14. I find that I can strengthen my own position through arguing with someone who disagrees with me.445
15. One could call my way of analyzing things 'putting them on trial' because I am careful to consider all the evidence.444
16. I often find myself arguing with the authors of books that I read, trying to logically figure out why they're wrong.322
17. I have certain criteria I use in evaluating arguments.333
18. I try to point out weaknesses in other people's thinking to help them clarify their arguments.344
19. I value the use of logic and reason over the incorporation of my own concerns when solving problems.333
20. I spend time figuring out what's 'wrong' with things. For example, I'll look for something in a literary interpretation that isn't argued well enough.334
1. 当我遇到别人的观点相异于我时,我刻意去努力神入他人,尝试去了解他们怎么会拥有这些观点的。444
2. 通过移情作用,对有异于我的观点我能拥有洞察力。444
3. 在讨论有争议的问题时,我倾向于站在别人的立场考虑问题,看看为什么他们认为要这样做。444
4. 我更有可能去尝试理解某人的观点,而不是去尝试评价它。444
5. 我试图与别人一同思考而非反对他们。444
6. 我觉得实现自我的最好途径是与各色人等互动。445
7. 我总是想知道为什么人们谈论并相信他们所做的事情。444
8. 我喜欢倾听来自不同背景的人的意见,这能帮助我理解为什么相同的事情可以有如此大的认识差别。445
9. 我的教育所学到的最重要的部分,是去理解与我完全不同的人。344
10. 我喜欢去了解其他人的来处,他们的经历会决定他们如何看待他们所做的事情。444
11. 我喜欢扮演魔鬼代言人——反驳别人说的东西。333
13. 在评价某人的言论时,我关注他们论据的质量,而非呈现这些论据的人。344
14. 我发现我可以通过与反对我的人辩论而加强我自己的观点。445
15. 别人可以把我分析事情的方式称为“实验检验法”,因为我很仔细地考虑所有证据。444
16. 我发现自己常常与所读书本的作者争论,试图从逻辑上弄清楚为什么他们错了。322
17. 我在评价论据时有明确的标准。333
18. 我试图指出别人思维中的弱点,以帮助他们阐明论点。344
19. 在解决问题的时候,我重视逻辑和理智的运用,胜过参杂我自己的担忧333
20. 我花时间搞清楚事物的错误是什么。比如说,我会寻找一些证明不够充分的文学解释。334

It is possible to break down the results for each question associated with connected learning (CK) and arrive at the following scale:

Similarly, the scale results for separate learning (SK)--based upon the questions asked--are:

Step 2: Acquiring Input


Based upon the learning styles identified by the ATTLS survey, the students enrolled in the eCommerce course were then contacted individually (those currently in eBusiness and those not) and asked to provide specific input about what they hoped to gain from the upcoming course. This was done by means of an e-mail sent to all enrolled students asking them to log into Moodle and answer a few questions.

Moodle includes a great tool (known as an activity) for asking a single question with limited answers in Choice. Unfortunately, Choice was much too limited for this undertaking. Instead, a Quiz titled Pre-Course Survey was created. The disadvantage to using a Quiz for this endeavor was that it wants to give a grade, and this had to be explained in the e-mail the students received:



The reason you are receiving this e-mail is that you are currently enrolled in the eCommerce (BSNS 4400) course this coming spring semester.  It is that time of year when I must start putting together a syllabus, and I would like to shake things up a bit from what has been done in the past (my babbling bores even me after a few years of the topic).  Before making changes, though, I think the most important thing to do is find out what you are expecting and want - what would be most beneficial to you.
   您收到这封信是因为你刚刚注册了电子商务(BSNS 4400)这门即将在春季开设的课程。每年这个时候我都必须组建教学大纲,我想稍微改变一下过去定下来的东西(过上几年这个课题的内容都过时了)。不过,在做出改变之前,我认为最重要的事情是找出你们最期待最希望的是什么——这将对你们最有利。

To order to simplify things, I've created a stub for the course in Moodle and added a quiz - it is not really a quiz but Moodle lacks a decent survey module. Between now and December 5th, I would like you to do the following:

  1. Access Moodle
  2. 访问魔灯
  3. Pick this course - BSNS 4400 - from the list of available courses. 
  4. 从选课清单中选择这门课程——BSNS 4400
  5. Pick the Pre-Course Survey (it is the only thing listed) and answer the five questions.  Because I am using a quiz module to give a survey, you may get a message saying that you didn't get all the points, etc. Just ignore that. This is not being done for points - it is being done solely for your collaboration in helping create a more meaningful syllabus.
  6. 选择课前调查(它是唯一列出来的东西)并回答五个问题。因为我使用了小测验模块制作调查问卷,你可能会收到一条消息说你没有选择所有答案诸如此类。忽略它就是了。不需要为题目而做题,做题的唯一目的是为了在你的帮助下创建一份更有意义的教学大纲。
Your help and participation (before December 5th) is appreciated, and I look forward to seeing you in class in January.感谢你(在十二月五日之前)的帮助和参与,期待着一月份在课堂上能见到你。

Five questions were asked:


1. There can be as few as one exam for this course, or as many as four. IF there is one, it will be the final, and all exam points will be allotted to it. IF there are two exams, there will be a midterm and final and the exam points will be evenly allotted between the two of them.  The same pattern will be follow for three or four exams. How many exams would you like the course to include?
1. 这门课可以只有一次考试,也可以有四次。如果只有一次,就会是期末考试,考试成绩就是学习成绩。如果有两次考试,就是一次期中一次期末,学习成绩为两次考试成绩取平均。三四次考试以此类推。你希望这门课程有多少次考试?

This was a single answer, multiple-choice, question with four choices (one, two, three, and four).

2. When it comes to grading, please prioritize the following in terms of the weight they should carry for the course:
2. 打分评级的时候,请优先考虑以下项目在课程中所占权重:

This was done as a matching question. The choices were: Exam(s), Quizzes, Presentations, Projects (experiential), Participation, and Attendance. The possibilities for matching ranged from "most weight" to "least weight".

3. In terms of percentage of time spent on activities for the class, please rank the following:
3. 就课堂活动时间的百分比而言,请将以下项目排序:

This was also done as a matching question. The choices were: Lecture, Projects (group and individual), Media Presentations (video in class, etc.), Open class discussions, and Online activities instead of class. The possibilities for matching ranged from "More time should be devoted to this than any other activity" to "This should be the least most common activity".

4. What are three things that you want to learn as a result of taking this class?
4. 你学这门课最想学到的三样事情是什么?

This was given as a short answer question.

5. The grading scale is open, and a number of schools use different scales. Which of the following should constitute an "A" (we can then work backward from there to fill out the rest of the grading scale)?
5. 定级标准是开放的,很多学校用的标准各不相同。下面哪一项应该得“优”(接下来我们可以倒推出定级标准的剩余部分)?

This was a single answer, multiple-choice, question with four choices (95-100%, 93-100%, 90-100%, 88-100%).After the students took the quiz, and it closed, the next step was to exam the Results, and particularly the Item Analysis. In this case, it showed the following results:

  1. By an overwhelming margin, students preferred three exams. 
  2. 占据绝对优势,学生倾向于三次考试。
  3. The preferred priority was: Exams, Participation, Projects, Presentations, Quizzes, and Attendance.
  4. 学生喜欢的优先顺序是:考试、参与和分享、项目活动、报告演讲、小测验、出勤。
  5. The results on the percentage question were too diverse to be meaningful. This left me with using the results from the second question as a proxy during this phase.
  6. 这道百分比题目的结果在意义上有太多不同。这让我在这一阶段用第二题的结果作为替代。
  7. Answers ranged from "I honestly have no idea what I want from this class" to specific issues involving Web site creation, moving from brick and mortar to eCommerce, and so on.
  8. 答案形形色色,从“老实说我不知道我想从这门课学到什么”到创建网站、如何从实体转向电子商务等具体问题,等等。
  9. By a slim margin, students preferred the 93-100% range for an "A", and this could be attributable to it being the standard scale used at this university.  
  10. 依靠微弱优势,学生倾向于将93-100%定为“优”,这可能是因为这是这所大学所用的通用定级标准。

Step 3: Fine Tuning


Given the student responses, the syllabus for the course was created. Before the fall semester ended, the syllabus for this spring course was posted online for the students to see. Not all that shockingly, many students chose not to access it before leaving for break.

The week that classes were scheduled to begin, the syllabus was sent as an attachment to the enrolled students with the following message:



Attached is the syllabus for the eCommerce course as it now stands. This syllabus was created using the input many of you provided in the survey (through Moodle) at the end of last semester.  Please look it over and consider areas that you would like to tweak or fine tune. We will discuss - and finalize - this the first day of class.

Thank you,

At the first class session, there were several students who had signed up at the last minute and had not been able to be a part of the development. During that session, the syllabus was reviewed, and an overview of the process used to create it was given.  The floor was opened to all students for suggestions, modifications, and other discussion. Surprisingly, all of the discussion was positive, and the students expressed appreciation for being allowed to have a say in the methodology. After only 20 minutes, the discussion ended with the syllabus being left as it was prior to the start of class.

The 20 minutes of class time proved much more bearable than several entire class sessions, and the experiment was deemed a success that will be repeated again in subsequent semesters.



Galotti, K.M. & Clinchy, B.M. (1999). A New Way of Assessing Ways of Knowing: The Attitudes Toward Thinking and Learning Survey (ATTLS). Sex Roles, 40 (9/10), 745-766.

Emmett Dulaney is an assistant professor at Anderson University and the author of several books on technology-related topics. He is a regular contributor to CertCities and can be reached at edulaney@insightbb.com.

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Emmett Dulaney, "Creating a Collaborative Syllabus Using Moodle," Campus Technology, 2/27/2008, http://www.campustechnology.com/article.aspx?aid=58847

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