

The 10 Myths of Public Speaking


By Beverly Cohen, Communications Specialist 


Of all the unproven collective ideas about Public Speaking, none is more commonly accepted than the belief that speaking in public causes death by embarrassment. Nothing can be further from the truth! It's a myth. No coroner has ever been called upon to examine an embarrassed corpse at a lectern. Most people know intellectually that they won't really die if they speak in front of a group, yet this irrational fear persists.


Here are 9 other myths that, if believed, can cripple the effectiveness of your public speaking style. Dismissing these myths will enable you to have a greater impact on your audience by delivering a more memorable, powerful presentation


  1. Introductions aren't important. Introductions are too critical to leave to chance. They prepare the audience for your message. Write your own introduction, and be sure the person who is introducing you pronounces your name correctly.
  2. 简介并不重要。把简介交给别人太过危险。他们为听众准备你的信息。自己写简介,确保介绍你的人读对你的姓名。
  3. Everyone wants to hear what you have to say. You know your message is important, but not everyone in your audience is there by choice. Some are there to fulfill an assignment. Many would rather be somewhere else. You need to give them a reason to stay and hear what you have to say.
  4. 每个人都想听你说的。你知道你的信息很重要,但不是每个听众都这样认为。有些人是为了完成任务,有些人更愿意呆在其他地方。你需要给他们一个留下来听你演说的理由。
  5. You don't have to prepare if you've given the speech before. No presentation is ever the same. Each audience is different. Review your notes, practice and refine your information. Over confidence can lead to a sloppy delivery.
  6. 如果你以前做过这个演讲你就没有必要准备。没有两个演讲是相同的。每次的听众都不同。复查笔记,练习并完善信息。过度自信会导致草率交付。
  7. They'll listen if you are an expert or their boss. Probably they will…initially. But unless your style is interesting and your information meaningful, their attention will begin to drift within the first 15 minutes of your talk.
  8. 如果你是专家或者他们的老板他们就会听。也许他们一开始会听。但除非你的风格有趣,你的信息有意义,否则他们的注意力就会开始在演讲头十五分钟内开溜。
  9. A commanding speaker uses the lectern. You'll have better rapport and interaction with the audience if there is nothing between them and you. The lectern can be a barrier. It causes you to rely on notes and blocks your gestures. Step out and connect!
  10. 威严的演讲者使用讲台。如果你与听众之间没有阻碍,你和听众之间会更和谐,互动更好。讲台会是一个障碍。讲台导致你依赖笔记,妨碍你的手势。走出去,走进听众!
  11. Your attire should match the occasion. The speaker should always be dressed a bit more formally than the audience. The first impression is generally a visual one.
  12. 你的衣着应当配合场合。演讲者永远都应该比听众穿的正式一些。第一印象通常都是视觉的。
  13. The facility is prepared to accommodate your equipment. Don't assume anything, and don't leave anything to chance. Be prepared. Ask the staff. Check the equipment before you use it. Bring your own things and have back up discs, batteries, bulbs, electric cords, etc. Be prepared for the unexpected.
  14. 会为你的设备准备好相应设施。不要假设任何事情,不要放弃任何机会。准备周全。询问工作人员。在使用之前检查设备。带上你自己的东西,准备好备份盘、电池、灯泡、电线等等。为意外做好准备。
  15. You don't have to prepare if your presentation lasts less than 10 minutes. The shorter the presentation the more preparation is needed. You don’t have the luxury of time with a short speech. Your message needs to be succinct, precise and clear.
  16. 如果你的演讲不足十分钟你就不需要准备。较短的演讲更需要准备。简短演讲的时间更不充足。你的信息需要简介、明确、清晰。
  17. You'll be nervous forever. Nervousness usually goes away within the first few minutes of your presentation. This is especially true if you know your material and you are prepared. Perfect practice makes perfect. Things really do get easier.
  18. 你永远都会紧张。紧张通常会在你演讲的头几分钟内消失。如果你了解你的材料,你做好了准备,就更是如此。熟能生巧。一切都变得更简单。

