



Everything You Need to Know about Homeschooling!


The homeschool movement is growing in popularity worldwide. This knol contains homeschooling facts, including homeschooling statistics, advantages, disadvantages, laws, methods, curriculum, support, and more.




  • What is Homeschooling?
  • 什么是家庭教学?
  • The History of Homeschooling
  • 家庭教学的历史
  • Pros and Cons of Homeschooling
  • 家庭教学的优缺点
  • Homeschooling Statistics
  • 家庭教学的统计数据
  • Homeschooling Laws
  • 家庭教学的法律
  • Homeschool Curriculum
  • 家庭学校的课程设置
  • Cost of Homeschooling
  • 家庭教学的费用
  • Homeschooling Support
  • 家庭教学的相关支持
  • Resources for Further Study
  • 深入研究的相关资源
  • Sources
  • 来源

What is Homeschooling?

Homeschooling is simply educating one’s children at home instead of sending them to public or private institutions. Homeschooled children are often taught by their parents, although they can also receive lessons from tutors and teachers outside of the home. Some states even allow children to be taught by friends and extended family members.


Although home education seems like a novel idea, homeschooling is actually the oldest form of education. When our nation was founded, children learned by assisting their parents with household duties, laboring in the family business, taking on apprenticeships, or attending religious institutions. Formal school lessons were often taught by parents, family members or paid tutors. To quote author Grace Llewellyn,
"One third of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution of the United States had no more than a few months of schooling up their sleeves."
Among these individuals were John Adams, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.

The History of Homeschooling


The history of homeschooling as we now know it began with the advent of compulsory attendance laws in the United States. In 1852, the state of Massachusetts enacted our country’s first law requiring children to attend school outside of their homes, giving rise to the public school system we have today.


During the late 1960’s, many parents became disenchanted with the government-mandated schooling. They believed home was a more natural environment for learning, and resented the amount of time school took children away from home and family life. The modern homeschool movement grew from these seeds of discontent.


Among homeschooling’s champions were educators Raymond and Dorothy Moore who conducted research on the negative effects of formal school at an early age, and educator John Holt who started a movement known as unschooling. The movement began to grow in the late 1980’s when many Christians chose to home educate their children due to the increasing cost and diminishing availability of Christian schools. Although homeschoolers have a reputation for being Christian fundamentalists, the homeschool community includes families of all religious beliefs.

Pros and Cons of Homeschooling


Benefits of Homeschooling


Unlike traditional public schools, homeschooling creates a one-on-one, tutorial environment that allows parents to choose what and how to teach their children. Students can move at their own pace using a curriculum that caters to their learning styles. This is one of the main benefits of homeschooling gifted and special needs students. Home education promotes balance between academic and life skills development. Students spend the majority of their time in a cooperative, multi-age, real world environment where they are free from the physical and verbal assault that often take place in public schools. Because homeschool schedules are so efficient, students have more free time to pursue their own interests and hobbies. Homeschooling also provides parents with more time to spend bonding with and passing their values on to their children. Homeschoolers are creative, self-motivated and independent. Studies show they tend to have a deeper commitment to community service and activism.[1]

Disadvantages of Homeschooling


Home educators take on full responsibility for their children's education. As such, they cannot blame others for their child's success or failure. Parents who feel incapable of teaching all subjects to their children purchase teacher's guides and video programs for assistance. In addition, children who know how to read, and have access to books and computers can learn anything they need to know. Parents' lack of free time and independence is among other disadvantages of homeschooling. Homeschoolers must seek out sports programs, art courses, music lessons and other activities that are readily available in public school. They must also carefully monitor their children's progress to make sure illness, unexpected crises or other life situations don't steer them off track. These homeschool disadvantages can be managed with good organization and scheduling techniques.

Homeschooling and Socialization


Homeschool critics cite homeschooling and socialization as their main concern. However, contrary to popular belief, most homeschoolers receive more than enough social interaction. In addition to accompanying their parents on daily errands like doctor's appointments and trips to the bank, homeschoolers are socialized through participation in homeschool support groups, dance, music, karate, sports, and other activities. Instead of sitting in a classroom for six to eight hours per day, homeschoolers are in a real world environment that allows them to interact with others in the community. Unlike their public school peers, home school students have daily interaction with those of different age ranges and socioeconomic levels. In public schools, children spend most of their time with others who are from their same age group and social background. Homeschooled students also receive a high volume of positive social interaction. They tend to adopt positive character traits that are modeled by the adults around them. Because they are not exposed to bullying and negative peer pressure at young ages, home-educated children are able to maintain a positive self-concept and develop a strong sense of independence that will carry them through any difficulties they may encounter in later years.

Homeschooling Statistics


According to research conducted by Dr. Brian Ray of the National Home Education Research Institute (NHERI)[2], homeschooling is growing at a rate of 5-12% annually. During the 2007-2008 school year, over 2 million U.S. children in grades K-12 were educated at home. Homeschoolers are a diverse group of families from a variety of religions, educational backgrounds, socioeconomic levels, and political affiliations. Approximately 15% of home-educated children are non-white/non-Hispanic. As a whole, homeschool students outscore their public school counterparts by 15-30 percentiles on standardized tests. Because they also tend to score above average on college entrance exams like the SAT and ACT, homeschoolers are often recruited by colleges and universities. Stellar academic performance among home educated students remains consistent across categories of race, gender and family income. Some parents are concerned their children won't enjoy homeschooling. However, according to a report published by the Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)[1], 90% of adults who were homeschooled say they are glad their parents homeschooled them, and another 80% want to educate their children at home.

Homeschooling Laws


Homeschooling is legal in every state in the U.S. However, homeschooling laws vary from states to state. State officials consider the following requirements when creating homeschool laws:


  • Compulsory Attendance Age – the age at which a child must begin receiving formal education and the age at which he or she is no longer required to receive formal education.
  • 强制入学年龄——孩子必须开始接受正规教育的年龄,以及不再需要接受正规教育的年龄。
  • Notice – documentation that must be given to the state regarding a family's decision to teach their children at home.
  • 告知——必须把决定在家教授孩子的决定以文件形式送达州政府。
  • Attendance – the specific number of days or hours a student must receive instruction. This instruction does not always have to take place via formal curriculum.
  • 出勤——学生必须接受教学的具体天数和小时数。该教学并不必总是以正规课程的形式出现。
  • Subjects – the specific subject areas in which a student must receive instruction. This instruction does not always have to take place via formal curriculum.
  • 科目——学生必须接受教学的具体学科领域。该教学并不必总是以正规课程的形式出现。
  • Record Keeping – quarterly, semi-annual or annual records that must be kept or submitted to government officials.
  • 保存记录——必须保持有季度、半年度、年度记录,或提交给政府工作人员。
  • Testing – written examinations that document a student’s progress and level of achievement as compared to his or her peers.
  • 考试——书面考试,用以记录学生的进度和成就水平,与同龄人有可比性。
  • Qualifications –standards that must be met by a teaching parent, homeschool program or outside tutor.
  • 资格——家长、家庭学校计划、外聘教师必须符合标准。

States vary in their treatment of the homeschooling requirements described above. Some states have detailed criteria that must be followed. Other states do not monitor homeschoolers at all.


Unless mandated by state law, parents do not need a college degree, teaching certificate or any other credentials to properly educate their children. Research shows that parents who have not graduated high school can home school their children with successful outcomes. [3] The Home School Legal Defense Association is an organization that lobbies for homeschoolers and provides legal assistance to those in need. According to HSLDA, there is no correlation between homeschooling performance and the level of government regulation and oversight of homeschoolers.[3] 

Homeschool Curriculum


There are hundreds of homeschool curriculum programs available to home educators. Parents who teach at home can find the best curriculum for their children by carefully evaluating their family's needs and goals, determining their children's learning style, and choosing a preferred homeschooling method. Homeschoolers do not have to use teaching methods employed by traditional schools. Choosing a homeschool philosophy will help point parents in the direction of resources and curricula that are a good fit for their children. Some of the most popular homeschool methods are:
Classical Homeschooling – Classical homeschooling involves teaching children in stages that correspond to their level of cognitive development. These three stages are labeled grammar, logic, and rhetoric, and are collectively referred to as the Trivium.

Computer Based Homeschooling – Computer based or online homeschooling is a form of independent study that utilizes computer software or enrollment in an online homeschool academy.

Charlotte Mason – Charlotte Mason style education incorporates nature study, good literature, copy work, narration, dictation and short lessons into the home school environment.


Eclectic Homeschooling – Eclectic homeschoolers pick and choose from a variety of homeschooling methods according to their children’s needs.


Montessori Homeschooling – Montessori homeschoolers create a multi-sensory environment which allows children to learn in a self-directed manner by using self-correcting materials.


Relaxed Homeschooling – Relaxed homeschools focus on family, character and developing life skills. Formal curriculum is used as needed.


Unschooling – Unschooling is a child-led form of education which promotes learning through the course of everyday life activities.


Thomas Jefferson Education – Homeschoolers who used this method focus on raising their children to be well-educated leaders.


Traditional Homeschooling – This homeschool method employs traditional textbooks and workbooks as the primary means of teaching.


Unit Studies – Unit studies combine the teaching of several disciplines into the study of one subject. 


Virtual Homeschooling – Virtual homeschoolers use state-funded public school programs that are taught by public school teachers outside of the home.


Waldorf Homeschooling – The method emphasizes delayed academics. It is based upon the works of Rudolf Steiner, the controversial founder of Waldorf education.
Read this homeschool curriculum knol for detailed information about locating and choosing the best homeschooling curriculum for your children.

Cost of Homeschooling家庭教学的费用

The cost of homeschooling varies according to a family's needs and budget. Typical expenses include the cost of homeschooling curriculum, books, supplies, support group dues, field trips, activities and legal organization fees. These costs often amount to less than a family would pay for one month of private school tuition. Here are some ways homeschoolers can significantly reduce their expenses:

  • Combine students into a single program in subjects like history, science and religious studies.
  • 把多名学生集中到同学科的单一项目中来,如历史、科学、宗教研究。
  • Borrow materials from the local library.
  • 从本地图书馆借素材。
  • Purchase new materials from discount merchants like Rainbow Resource and Christian Book Distributors.
  • 从彩虹资源、基督教图书发行商等折扣商店购买新材料。
  • Use free homeschooling resources that can be found online.
  • 使用网上可以找到的免费家庭教学资源。
  • Make games, flashcards, worksheets and tests instead of buying them.
  • 制作游戏、抽认卡、工作表和试卷,而不是去购买。
  • Buy high quality materials that can be re-sold or handed down to younger students.
  • 购买高质量材料,以便重新卖出或传给更年幼的学生。
  • Purchase used resources at used bookstores and online vendors like Homeschool Classified, Homeschooler's Curriculum Swap and This Little Piggy Stays Home.
  • 从二手书店和在线卖家购买二手资源,如家庭教学分类网站、家庭教学者课程交换中心、家有小猪。
  • Take advantage of homeschool discounts at book stores, office supply stores, and computer dealers.
  • 利用书店、办公用品商店、计算机经销商的家庭教学折扣。
Families who are particularly resourceful may be able to homeschool for free. According to research published by the HSLDA, the amount of money spent on home education has little effect on overall outcomes.[3] 

Homeschooling Support


Families can obtain homeschool support by joining support groups that host meetings, field trips, classes, and other activities. Some families even choose to join homeschool coops, which are groups of families who meet regularly to help teach each others children.


Before joining a homeschool coop or support group, it is essential to carefully evaluate the group. Is membership limited to a specific religious group or homeschooling method? Is the group formal or informal? How often does the group meet? What does the group require of its members?


Many parents attend annual homeschool conferences where they can meet other homeschool families and attend workshops by popular authors and advocates. These events often feature home school curriculum fairs where parents can view and ask questions about curriculum before making a purchase.


The most important part of preparing for home school conventions and vendor fairs is finding out the rules of the event. Are children allowed? Can attendees bring stroller? Are meals provided? If not, are outside food and drinks permitted in the building? For added convenience, families often come prepared with a schedule of workshops to attend, a list of books and materials to evaluate, and a limit as to how much money will be spent.


The internet is also a great source of homeschooling support. Parents have access to instant information on the many homeschooling websites that are available online. They can also receive much needed encouragement and advice by participating in homeschool forums and message boards, and reading homeschool blogs.


By developing a strong network of friends, parents can successfully homeschool their children from preschool all the way through high school!


Resources for Further Study


Better Late than Early by Raymond and Dorothy Moore 
Dumbing us Down by John Taylor Gatto 
The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto 
How Children Learn by John Holt 
How Children Fail by John Holt 
Teach Your Own by John Holt



Successful Homeschooling – This website contains detailed explanations of homeschooling methods, homeschooling curriculum reviews, tips for affordable homeschooling, and information about everything else you need to successfully homeschool your children.

National Home Education Research Institute – The NHERI is a non-profit organization founded by Brian D. Ray, Ph. D. that conducts homeschooling research.


Home School Legal Defense Association – HSLDA provides legal defense for their organization’s members and advocates for homeschooling families worldwide.




  1. http://www.hslda.org/research/ray2003/default.asp
  2. http://www.nheri.org/Research-Facts-on-Homeschooling.html
  3. http://www.hslda.org/docs/study/comp2001/default.asp




