

Homeschool Curriculum


Find the Best Homeschooling Curriculum for Your Child


The homeschool curriculum market can be difficult to navigate. This knol contains all of the information you need to find the best homeschooling curriculum for your child at a great price.




As the homeschooling community continues to grow, so does the homeschool curriculum market. Choosing from the many homeschooling curriculum options that are available can be overwhelming to both new and experienced homeschoolers. Parents who begin by evaluating their family's lifestyle and goals, identifying their children's learning styles, choosing a homeschooling method, and carefully researching their options will find the best homeschool curriculum for their children.

Determine Your Family's Needs and Goals


The first step to finding a great curriculum for your child is determining what your family needs. Begin by assessing your family's lifestyle in the following areas:
Structure - How many children do you have? Are your children close in age? Do you have babies, toddlers and preschoolers who require a great deal of attention?

Schedule - Does your spouse work traditional hours? Does your spouse travel for a living? Do you work in or outside of the home?

Personality - Do you like staying at home or do you prefer being out in the community? Do you like spontaneity or do you prefer to work from a plan?

Lifestyle - What happens in your home on a typical day? What challenges do you frequently encounter? What would your ideal day look like?
Next, think about what you want your children to learn. What are your primary reasons for homeschooling? What do you want your children to know when they leave home? What goals do you have for your children in the areas of religion, character, life skills and academics?

Rank these goals in order of importance. Then, realistically answer the following questions based on your family's needs and objectives:

  • Do you want a structured or unstructured curriculum?
  • Do you want to actively teach your children or have them work independently?
  • Do you need a program that can teach multiple ages together?
  • How much time do you want to spend on formal lessons each day?
  • What subjects do you want your child to study?
  • Do you want to plan your own lessons or follow prepared lesson plans?
  • Do you want a program that includes projects and activities?
  • Will you want to keep records and grades?

Understanding Learning Styles


Every parent knows that no two children are alike. The third step to choosing the best homeschool curriculum is understanding your children.

Children use three main learning modalities in order to receive, process and retain information. These modalities, or learning styles, are auditory, visual and kinesthetic (or tactile). By identifying your children's primary learning styles, you can choose a homeschooling curriculum that will meet your their needs.

Auditory Learners听觉学习者

Auditory learners are children who always seem to be talking, singing or humming. They receive, process information by hearing and speaking aloud. They tend to enjoy music, story telling, audio books, and reading aloud. They are generally vocal and prefer working with a group instead of independent study. They process and memorize information through discussion and oral drill. The best homeschool curriculum for auditory learners will involve reading aloud or group interaction.

Visual Learners视觉学习者

Visual learners tend to either favor print (reading and writing) or images (charts, maps and drawings). They receive, process and retain information through sight. Visual learners tend to be neat and organized. They are drawn to math, reading and art, and tend to enjoy visually stimulating activities like video games and television. Visual learners generally appreciate information that is presented in written or graphic format. These children may enjoy using a traditional workbook or computer based curriculum. Children who enjoy reading may thrive using a literature-based program.

Kinesthetic Learners动觉学习者

Kinesthetic (tactile) learners are always on the move. They receive, process and retain by moving and touching. These children enjoy hands on assignments and physical activity. Because movement enhances their ability to learn, kinesthetic learners may need to rock, walk, sit on a bouncy ball or find other ways to move while listening. The best homeschooling curriculum for a kinesthetic learner will involve projects and experiments.

Determining Your Child's Learning Style


Observe your child closely in order to determine his or her learning style. Ask your child how he or she prefers to learn. Refer to the following chart for assistance:
How does your child express emotion?
Tone of Voice
Facial Expression
Gestures and Body Language
What type of hobbies does your child enjoy?
Involve Speech or Sound
Involve Print or Images
Involve Touch or Movement
When does your child do when encountering something unfamiliar?
Ask QuestionsExamines Visually
Examines Physically
How does your child behave in group settings?
Engages in Conversation
Watches before Participating
Encourages Movement
How does your child solve problems?
Talks it Through
Uses Visual Clues
Uses Physical Clues

If you have more than one child, your children will likely have different learning styles. You do not need to purchase a separate program for every child in your home. Make small changes to tailor your curriculum to meet different learning styles. For instance, discuss directions with an auditory learner, let your visual learner see the directions in print, and have your kinesthetic learner point to the directions as you read them.

Here are some other ways to adjust your chosen program to suit your child's learning style.

Homeschooling Methods


Homeschoolers aren't limited to sitting at a desk completing worksheets, although some children prefer this method of homeschooling. There are homeschooling methods to meet the needs of every child and family. Learning about various homeschooling philosophies will help you narrow your choices as you search for the right curriculum.

Traditional Teaching Methods


Textbook/Workbook – This homeschooling style is generally most comfortable for those of us who went to traditional schools. Textbook/workbook curricula generally come with structured lesson plans that tell parents exactly how to teach their children, and require very little time spent on planning and preparation.

Classical Homeschooling – Children in classical homeschools are taught in three stages known as grammar, logic and rhetoric. Classical homeschooling emphasizes critical thinking and academic achievement. Children often study Latin and Greek, and read the great books of Western civilization.

Thomas Jefferson Education – Homeschoolers who follow the Thomas Jefferson model want to raise children who will be leaders. They mentor their children in the reading of the classics, and provide a structured environment modeled after that which produced our nation's founding fathers.

Computer Based Homeschooling – Online or computer-based homeschooling allows children to study independently via software or online academy. These programs require little teaching, planning or record keeping by parents.

Virtual Homeschooling – State-funded, public school programs are known as virtual schools or cyber schools. Certified public school teachers prepare lessons, instruct students and monitor the students progress. This style of homeschooling does not provide the freedom and flexibility of independent, private home education.

Non-Traditional Teaching Methods


Unit Studies – Instead of dividing knowledge into distinct subjects, unit studies combine the study of history, science, math, reading, writing and language into the study of a single theme. With unit studies, children of multiple ages can often use the same program. This method often involves the use of hands-on projects.

Charlotte Mason – Charlotte Mason homeschooling encourages the use of living books and nature study. Lessons are kept short to promote focus and good habits. Language arts and writing skills are taught through copy work, narration and dictation.

Montessori Homeschooling – Montessori homeschoolers prepare a learning environment that engages the senses. Its emphasis on multi-age environment and participation in every day tasks occurs naturally in home schools. Montessori education is self-paced and self-directed. Parents serve as facilitators, not teachers.

Waldorf Homeschooling – The homeschool method is based Rudolf Steiner's Waldorf education model. It encourages children to delve into fairytales, legends and the arts. Children in Waldorf schools are discouraged from viewing television and playing video games, and are not encouraged to learn to read until age eight.

Relaxed Homeschooling – Relaxed homeschoolers place family at the center of their home schools. They focus on building good character and raising fully functioning adults. Relaxed homeschoolers use books and curricula as needed in the course of teaching children the skills they need for successful living.

Unschooling – Unschoolers give their children the freedom to pursue knowledge according to their interests. They trust their children to learn everything they need to know in their own time. Unschooling is child-led. Parents facilitate learning by answering questions, supplying materials, and providing help, as needed.

Eclectic Homeschooling – Eclectic homeschoolers do not limit themselves to a particular homeschooling style. They choose from the many homeschooling philosophies available based on their children's needs in a particular subject at any given time.

Choosing a Homeschool Curriculum


When looking for a homeschooling curriculum, read books by authors who share your education philosophy and consider their suggestions. Ask for recommendations from home educators in your support group or those you interact with in online homeschool forums.

Cathy Duffy's 100 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum and Mary Pride's Big Book of Home Learning contain curriculum suggestions for every subject, as well as detailed product reviews.

When reading reviews and suggestions, remember they are just personal opinions. That new unit study your best friend loves may not be right for your children. A program that greatly benefits one family could be detrimental to another.

Home School Curriculum Fairs


If you want to view homeschool materials in person, attend a home school curriculum fair. These events provide exposure to a variety of products and give you an opportunity ask questions of company representatives.

Before attending a vendor fair, do your homework. Make a list of your children's needs for each subject and which products you are considering. Write down any questions you may have. Make note of the lowest price available, and where the materials can be purchased for that price. Many vendors offer curriculum fair specials. Check their offers against the lowest price you find in order to make sure you're receiving a good deal.

Buyer's Remorse


Once you have chosen and purchased a curriculum, you will inevitably hear about several new and better products that you should have purchased instead. Remind yourself that you chose your program for a reason. Use the program, make adjustments where necessary and give it a fair chance. If you've had time to get used to the curriculum and your family is still miserable, start looking for a replacement. Some curriculum publishers offer a money back guarantee.

Affordable Homeschool Curriculum


Parents can successfully educate their children without purchasing an expensive curriculum. Homeschoolers who are resourceful can take advantage of the following ways to lower their homeschooling costs:

Local Library


Purchase an instructor's guide for your favorite literature based curriculum, and borrow the books from your local library. If your library doesn't carry all the books you need, request them through interlibrary loan or ask your librarian to purchase them.

The library is also a also a great source of free homeschooling activities. Many libraries offer chess clubs, story times, movie nights, writers' groups, book clubs, and research and computer classes.

Discount Homeschool Books


Rainbow Resource, Christian Book Distributors and Homeschool Library Builder are online merchants who offer homeschool products at a discount. Barnes and Noble, Books a Million, and Borders bookstores offer educator's discounts to homeschoolers.
Rainbow Resource、 Christian Book Distributors、 Homeschool Library Builder 都是打折提供家庭教学产品的在线商家。Barnes and Noble、 Books a Million、 Borders 书店为家庭教学者提供教育者折扣。

Used Homeschool Books


You can often find used materials from popular publishers for 50-80% of retail price. Half Price Books usually has good deals on used homeschool books in their children's and educator's sections. Homeschool Classifieds, Homeschooler's Curriculum Swap and This Little Piggy Stays Home are great places to purchase used books online.
你常常可以从流行出版商那里找到只要零售价五成到八成的二手资料。Half Price Books 在儿童区和教育者区常常有二手家庭教学书籍热卖。Homeschool Classifieds、 Homeschooler's Curriculum Swap、 This Little Piggy Stays Home 都是在线购买二手图书的好地方。

Free Resources


The internet is a treasure trove of free homeschooling resources. You can find free educational games, lesson plans, worksheets, books, unit studies and audio books online. An Old Fashioned Education, Ambleside Online, Letter of the Week and Homeschool Share all offer free homeschooling programs online. Here are some other sources of free homeschooling curriculum and free homeschooling resources.
互联网是一个免费家庭教学资源宝库。你可以在网上找到免费的教育游戏、课程计划、工作表、书籍、单元研究和音频书籍。An Old Fashioned Education, Ambleside Online, Letter of the Week and Homeschool Share 都在线提供免费家庭教学方案。这里还有其他一些资源,包括免费家庭教学课程和免费家庭教学资源。

Homeschool Discounts


Many merchants extend their teacher's discount programs to home educators. You can find homeschool discounts at Academic Superstore, Apple Computers, Dell Computers, Fedex Kinko's, Half Price Books, Hancock Fabrics, Joann Fabric and Craft Stores, Lakeshore Learning, Microsoft, Office Depot, Office Max and Staples.
许多商家将其教师折扣扩展到家庭教育者。你可以在 Academic Superstore, Apple Computers, Dell Computers, Fedex Kinko's, Half Price Books, Hancock Fabrics, Joann Fabric and Craft Stores, Lakeshore Learning, Microsoft, Office Depot, Office Max and Staples找到家庭教学折扣。

Some stores will require you to present a teacher's ID card in order to receive educator's discount. You can create a card on your home computer, or print one for free from the Homeschool Buyers Coop.
有些商店会要求你出示教师证,才为你提供教师折扣。你可以在家里计算机上制作一份,或者从 Homeschool Buyers Coop 免费打印一份。

Sell Used Curriculum


Selling used curriculum is a great way to obtain money for homeschool resources and supplies. Keep your materials in good condition by having your child write on a seperate sheet of paper or covering sheets with page protectors and using dry erase markers. If you have access to an inexpensive copier, you can make copies of materials for your children if permitted by the publisher.

If you are patient and persistent when locating, evaluating and purchasing materials for your home school, you will find the best homeschooling program for your child!

Resources for Further Study


A Charlotte Mason Education by Catherine Levison
A Thomas Jefferson Education by Oliver Van DeMille
Discover Your Child's Learning Style by Mariaemma Ms Willis and Victoria Ma Kindle Hodson
Educating the Wholehearted Child by Clay and Sally Clarkson
For the Children’s Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
Teaching Montessori in the Home: The Pre-School Years by Elizabeth Hainstock
Teaching Montessori in the Home: The School Years by Elizabeth Hainstock
Teaching the Trivium by Harvey and Laurie Bluedorn
The Way They Learn by Cyhthia Ulrich Tobias
The Well-Trained Mind by Jessie Wise and Susan Wise Bauer



Homeschooling Methods – Detailed descriptions of each one of the most popular homeschooling methods, along with curriculum suggestions and references to sources of more information.

Affordable Homeschooling – Tips for buying and selling homeschool curriculum, finding discount homeschool books, using free homeschooling resources and other ways to lower your homeschooling cost.

