
翻译《12 学习空间》

Learning Spaces


Malcolm Brown


Dartmouth College


© Malcolm Brown


New ideas about learning spaces represent a significant opportunity for higher education to make learners—and learning—more successful. Through the application of information technology, today's learning spaces have the potential to serve the new learning paradigm and at the same time meet the needs and expectations of the most recent generation of students: the Net Generation. Since education is the core mission of higher education, learning and the space in which it takes place are of the utmost importance. In order to best serve the educational enterprise, we must design leaning spaces that optimize the convergence of the Net Generation, current learning theory, and information technology.


This chapter establishes the links between Net Gen students, learning theory, and IT, showing their relevance to the concept of learning spaces. The definition of learning space has become broader and much more inclusive over the past decade. Learning theory will be discussed, as well as its implications for both Net Gen students and learning space design. The ties between this new conception of learning spaces and the habits and characteristics of Net Gen students will be established. Finally, scenarios will illustrate what these new spaces might look like.


What Are Learning Spaces?


What does the term learning space mean? Why not use classroom instead? As recently as a decade ago, classrooms were the primary locus for learning in higher education. Other spaces included the library, the faculty office (for individual mentoring), and perhaps the café in town. But classrooms were by far the single most important space for learning.


Since then, a great deal has changed. The World Wide Web has emerged as the primary way most people use the Internet. The Web has spawned a wealth of new, network-based applications, from digital music stores to new venues for scholarly publishing. Indeed, the availability of network access, in one form or another, is today almost taken for granted. Handheld devices have acquired a growing set of functions, providing a telephone, a digital camera, and an operating system running a variety of applications. Laptop prices have declined while increasing in functionality—to the point that their use exceeds that of desktops for most students.


In parallel with these developments in IT, an entire generation of learners has grown up using computers and other networked devices. While for previous generations IT was a kind of exotic overlay or an optional tool, for the Net Generation student IT is essential. It is clear that IT and Net Gen students have had a mutually influential—almost symbiotic—relationship. The characteristics of Net Gen students mesh very closely with IT and IT's increasing mobility, its 24 x 7 availability, and its increasing value as a communications tool. Net Gen students are social and team oriented, comfortable with multitasking, and generally positive in their outlook, and have a hands-on, "let's build it" approach—all encouraged by the IT resources at their disposal. Net Gen students have embraced IT, using it in ways both intended and unforeseen by programmers. Their rapid and enthusiastic adoption of IT has in turn influenced its development, particularly with respect to Web-based services.


The New Classroom


These developments impact the locus of learning in higher education. The notion of the classroom has both expanded and evolved; virtual space has taken its place alongside physical space.


Over the past decade, higher education has invested millions of dollars in classroom technology. The addition of document cameras, DVD players, Internet access, and projectors (to name a few) has added new functionality to the classroom. It is now possible to bring much more diverse materials to the classroom, to present them in a variety of ways, and to devise new classroom activities for students. As a result, the concept of the classroom has expanded to include this set of new functions.


These new classroom capabilities have, in turn, sparked interest in new pedagogical approaches. Wireless networking, for example, makes real-time or synchronous interaction (such as real-time polling) among all class participants a very real (and increasingly practical) possibility. Videoconferencing makes it feasible for an invited expert from a remote institution to join a class session. Discussions, notes, and other in-classroom events can be captured and disseminated for further study. It is important to note that these approaches mesh well with the habits of Net Gen students, such as their enjoyment of social interaction, their preference for experiential learning activities, and their use of technology. In these and other ways, technology acts as the lever that makes it possible to develop new and more effective pedagogies. Hence the classroom and the activities associated with it are evolving.


The resources used in higher education are increasingly digital and delivered via the network. In addition, network connectivity is increasingly portable. These two developments make it possible for learning to happen informally, in areas outside the traditional classroom, library, and faculty office. Student project teams can meet outside on the green, in a lounge, in any campus café—and they can meet almost any time of day. With wireless networking, numerous digital devices, and longer battery life, we are closer than ever to realizing the goal of fully ubiquitous access. This means that learning, too, can occur any time and anywhere.


Net Gen students, using a variety of digital devices, can turn almost any space outside the classroom into an informal learning space. Similar to the traditional classroom, educators have an important opportunity to rethink and redesign these non-classroom spaces to support, encourage, and extend students' learning environment.


Virtual Space


These changes catalyzed by technology make it clear that the term classroom, at least in its traditional sense, can no longer encompass where learning takes place. Equally obvious is that the space in which learning takes place is no longer just physical; it is virtual as well. The virtual space is an entirely new environment. Virtual space is any location where people can meet using networked digital devices. We should understand virtual space in its widest sense, referring not just to synchronous, highly interactive functions (such as chat, blogs, and wikis) but also to asynchronous functions such as e-mail and discussion threads.


Unlike physical spaces, virtual spaces come and go. They can be spontaneous as well as deliberate, synchronous or asynchronous. Participants and their relationships in the virtual learning space can shift rapidly. Participants can also multitask, "inhabiting" more than one virtual space at a time. As networking technology matures and costs for devices such as laptops and handhelds decline, these virtual spaces play an increasingly larger role in all aspects of higher education.


Again an IT-based function—virtual space—meshes closely with Net Gen characteristics. Net Gen students are mobile, as is virtual space. Net Gen students are facile at multitasking and moving back and forth (sometimes rapidly) between real and virtual spaces. Net Gen students are comfortable with the fast tempo that this kind of multitasking implies. In short, virtual space is tailor-made for the work habits of Net Gen students.


It is clear that the virtual space is taking its place along side the classroom and other physical locations as a locus for learning. The result is that we are compelled to expand our concept of where learning occurs. Learning spaces encompass the full range of places in which learning occurs, from real to virtual, from classroom to chat room.


Learning Theory


A shift in the teaching and learning paradigm is well under way, moving away from a transmission paradigm to a constructivist paradigm. In 1900, basic literacy skills included reading, writing, and calculation. Knowing meant being able to remember and repeat, which was appropriate to an industrial age in which practices changed slowly (at least by today's standards). Workers anticipated having a single profession for the duration of their working lives. Education was based on a factory-like, "one size fits all" model. Talent was developed by weeding out those who could not do well in a monochromatic learning environment.


The postindustrial age is characterized by rapid change. Literary skills now include critical thought, persuasive expression, and the ability to solve complex scientific and organizational problems. Knowing now means using a well-organized set of facts to find new information and to solve novel problems. In 1900, learning consisted largely of memorization; today it relies chiefly on understanding.


This shift has come about partly due the emergence of a constructivist theory of learning. Stated simply, this theory holds that learners construct knowledge by understanding new information building on their current understanding and expertise. Constructivism contradicts the idea that learning is the transmission of content to a passive receiver. Instead, it views learning as an active process, always based on the learner's current understanding or intellectual paradigm. Knowledge is constructed by assimilating new information into the learner's knowledge paradigm. A learner does not come to a classroom or a course Web site with a mind that is a tabula rasa, a blank slate. Each learner arrives at a learning "site" with some preexisting level of understanding.


Knowledge exists at multiple levels, ranging from novice to expert. It is the sophistication and depth of this understanding that differentiates experts from novices. Experts have a deep and rich set of well-organized facts, as well as the capacity to use that understanding to solve problems in their fields of expertise. Novices lack that depth and, as a result, have a much harder time solving problems.


The constructivist theory has important implications. The theory implies that learning is best served when it is:


  • Contextual—taking into account the student's understanding

  • 情境:重视学生的理解

  • Active—engaging students in learning activities that use analysis, debate, and criticism (as opposed to simply memorization) to receive and test information

  • 活跃:鼓励学生在学习活动中使用分析、讨论和批评(而不是简单的背诵)来接受和测试信息。

  • Social—using discussions, direct interaction with experts and peers, and team-based projects

  • 社交:运用讨论,与同伴、专家的直接互动,基于小组的项目研究。

Problem-based learning, which encourages learners to construct knowledge based on the experience of solving problems, is significantly different from methods such as recall and repetition. This is but one of many ways the older, traditional teaching paradigm contrasts with the learning paradigm. Table 1 summarizes some (though by no means all) other important ways these two paradigms differ.


Table 1. Differences in the Teaching and Learning Paradigms


Traditional Paradigm

Constructivist Paradigm

One size fits allTailored; option rich
Talent via weeding outTalent cultivated and sought out
RepetitionTransfer and construction
Acquisition of factsFacts + conceptual framework
Isolated factsOrganized conceptual schemas
Teacher = master and commanderTeacher = expert and mentor
Fixed rolesMobile roles
Fixed classroomsMobile, convertible classrooms
Single locationPlurality of locations and space types
Summative assessmentSummative and formative assessment



Learning science research also highlights the importance of learner engagement, or as the American Psychological Association describes it, intentional learning.1 This means that learners must have a "metaperspective" from which to view and assess their own learning, which is often referred to as metacognition.2 An active learning environment provides the opportunity to assess one's own learning, enabling learners to make decisions about the course, as well as reflect on and assess their progress. In the past, the measure of learning was the final grade (a summative measure). But a final grade is merely a measure of the student's performance on tests. It does not measure the learning that did—or did not—take place. To encourage learning, summative testing or assessments must be combined with formative assessments. Formative assessment is not directly associated with the final grade; it helps learners understand their learning and make decisions about next steps based on that understanding.


Net Generation and Learning Theory


As with IT, there are overlaps between the working characteristics of Net Gen students and practices that research has shown encourage and strengthen learning. For example, the Net Generation is social. They like to stay in touch with peers (and even parents!). They have a preference for group activity and working in teams. This dovetails with research indicating that learning is encouraged when it includes social components such as debate or direct engagement with peers and experts. Learning is strengthened through social interactions, interpersonal relations, and communication with others.


Net Generation students are achievement and goal oriented. Their question is not "What does it mean?" or "How does it work?" (as previous generations were inclined to ask), but rather "How do I build it?" This predilection maps to learning theory's emphasis on active learning. Discovery, exploration, experimentation, criticism, analysis—all represent active learning, a style that suits the Net Gen well.


A pedagogy that emphasizes active learning has additional "targets of opportunity" among the Net Gen characteristics. Net Gen students are experiential, tending toward learning by doing rather than listening. Research indicates that learners need to be active with respect to their own learning process and assessment. Net Gen students' goal and achievement orientation comes into play here: that achievement focus can be directed toward quizzes and exercises that assist learners in evaluating their progress toward learning goals.


Obviously not all forms of learning must be social or team-based. In a variety of learning contexts, individual work is important. It may well be that Net Gen students' strengths are also their weaknesses. The expectation for fast-paced, rapidly shifting interaction coupled with a relatively short attention span may be counterproductive in many learning contexts. Repetition and steady, patient practice—key to some forms of mastery—may prove difficult for Net Gen students. Designing courses for them necessitates balancing these strengths and weaknesses.


Learning Space Implications


There are a number of implications of learning theory and the Net Generation for learning spaces. The convergence of the learning paradigm, IT, and the Net Gen is occurring now at colleges and universities. Current and future planning must encompass and encourage this convergence by thinking of learning spaces (classroom, informal, virtual) as a single, integrated environment. We should not neglect the informal for the formal, or assume that Net Gen students somehow will figure out the virtual space on their own. We should connect what happens in the classroom with what happens in informal and virtual spaces.


This implies that institutions may need to rethink their vision for learning and the spaces in which it occurs. Creating a vision for learning and learning spaces is a powerful leverage point; it informs almost all other decisions about learning space design. A vision also allows us to effectively articulate to all constituents what we are trying to accomplish. The vision helps organize all participants in the design and implementation of these spaces as well as the activities they support. Simply installing wireless access points and fresh carpeting isn't enough if done in isolation; such improvements pay real dividends only if they are in concert with the institution's overall teaching and learning objectives. It is the vision that generates the design principles that will, in turn, be used to make key decisions about how learning spaces are configured.


One important implication is that the vocabulary we use to describe what learners do in these spaces must become active. We must go beyond describing ways to help the instructor to be active; we must include students as well. The vision and design principles should emphasize the options students have as active participants in the learning process. Design principles should include terms such as analyze, create, criticize, debate, present, and classify—all directed at what the space enables the students to do. For example, students should be able to present materials to the class. Outside class, they should have access to applications and materials that directly support analysis of data, text, and other media. Forums for discussion and critical debate, both real and virtual, are key to encouraging learning and will be looked for by Net Gen students.


Learning spaces should accommodate the use of as many kinds of materials as possible and enable the display of and access to those materials by all participants. Learning space needs to provide the participants—instructors and students alike—with interactive tools that enable exploration, probing, and examination. This might include a robust set of applications installed on the computer that controls the room's displays, as well as a set of communication tools. Since the process of examination and debate leads to discovery and the construction of new knowledge, it could be important to equip spaces with devices that can capture classroom discussion and debate, which can be distributed to all participants for future reference and study.


Learning does not stop once the instructor has left the classroom. Instead, the end of the class meeting marks a transition from one learning mode to another. As a result, institutions must address real and virtual spaces outside the classroom to ensure that they, too, encourage learning. For example, there should be access to class materials (which are increasingly digital) so that the active and social work of learning can continue outside the formal classroom. The design of "neutral" spaces, such as hallways and corridors, could be rethought and re-equipped to promote learning. Some institutions provide small discussion spaces in corridors so that discussion begun in class can continue when class ends. As for the virtual space, institutions should consider well-integrated work environments that support collaborative projects and resource sharing.


Informal learning spaces—those outside the classrooms—present particularly intriguing opportunities for pioneering and cultivating new teaching and learning practices. These spaces, while informal, are key areas for student academic work. Students spend far more time in these spaces than they do in formal classrooms. Research, Web browsing, writing, statistical analysis, and compiling lab reports all take place in the library, study hall, media center, dorm room, and learning commons. Because of their enthusiasm for IT and their experiential, hands-on approach to learning tasks, Net Gen students will easily "tune into" the virtual aspects of informal spaces. Well-designed and integrated physical layouts and IT "tool sets" will find a ready audience with Net Gen students.




If we could implement this new vision of how learning occurs by buying the right kind of chair, purchasing projectors with sufficient lumens, or installing digital whiteboards, learning space design would be simple. Obviously it is much more complex—the task of designing and implementing learning environments that encourage good learning practice and accommodate the Net Gen learning style is a challenging one.


A starting point is to try to imagine what these new spaces might look like and how students would function in them. Creating scenarios helps define functions, usage practices, and design goals. Consider the following three scenarios as examples.


Scenario 1: The New Lecture Hall


Sandra, a junior, is heading to her psychology class, which meets at 10:00 a.m. It's a relatively large class for her liberal arts college, with some 150 students, so it meets in a lecture hall. As she arrives, she sees that the professor has, as usual, both projection screens lowered, one showing course material, the other displaying the familiar "voting" screen. Sandra finds a seat among some friends and begins "moving in" to her space. This lecture hall is of relatively recent vintage; its seats and paired tables make it much easier to deploy and use her "tools," which include printouts of the day's reading, as well as a small laptop computer. Her fellow students are doing likewise. Each of them is using some device to access the course's Web site—some with laptops, others with tablet computers, still others with handheld computers. Using wireless connections, they all access the course's Web site and navigate to the site's "voting" page.


Figure 1. Technology-Supported Lecture Hall


Photo: Joe Mehling, Dartmouth College


The professor commences her lecture. In one of the older lecture halls, she might have been tied to the lectern so that she could click through her PowerPoint slides. Or she might have abandoned her slides in order to write on the blackboard while her students scribbled notes in their notebooks. But in this newly renovated lecture hall, she and her students have many more options. She has what the campus technology office calls a "magic wand," a radio-frequency controller that enables her to operate her computer—as well as many of the classroom's functions—wirelessly, from any point in the room. She can capture anything she writes on the blackboard and make it available to her students on the course Web site. Freed from needing to take extensive notes, the students are able to participate more fully in the class discussion. Finally, the professor is carrying a small recorder that captures her lecture, digitizes the audio, and uploads it to the course Web site for the students to review when they prepare for finals.


Figure 2. PDA/Handheld Computer


Photo: Joe Mehling, Dartmouth College


Today she begins class by circulating through the room, using aisles that create paths through the students' seats. As she roams, she calls on students to share reactions to the readings. She encourages other students to offer additional comments. Soon there is some debate about the reading, which is facilitated by the room's rows of paired tables and swivel chairs, making it possible to maintain eye contact with nearly everyone in the room.


At one point in the discussion, Sandra sketches a diagram on her laptop that she feels helps explain the concepts being discussed. She asks the professor if she could show it to the class. The professor agrees, and Sandra launches the classroom's screen sharing application. Within a few seconds, her computer's screen is projected on the room's main screen. The class discussion focuses on this diagram, and the professor, using a virtual pencil, is able to make notes on the diagram. The diagram and notes are captured and placed on the class Web site for review.


Soon the debate gets stuck; the students can't resolve the issue. The professor goes to the podium, types briefly, and then asks the students to go to a URL to see a question and to choose the answer they feel is correct. The students access the Web page from laptops, handhelds, or wireless IP-based phones. In two minutes they have completed the poll and submitted their responses. The results are quickly tabulated and displayed. The wide diversity of opinion surprises everyone. The professor reframes the issue, without giving the answer, and the students continue to discuss it. She repeats the poll; this time there is more agreement among the students, enabling her to move the discussion forward.


Figure 3. Handheld Computers in Class


Photo: Joe Mehling, Dartmouth College


Halfway through the class period, the professor pauses the conversation. She goes to the podium computer and clicks on a few links, and soon a videoconferencing session is displayed on the right-hand screen. She has arranged to have a colleague of hers "drop in" on the class to discuss a point that is in the colleague's particular area of expertise. The class has a conversation with the expert, who is at large research institution more than 500 miles away. Students listen to the expert's comments and are able to pose questions using one of the three cordless microphones available to the class. On the left-hand screen, the visiting professor shows some images and charts that help explain the concepts under discussion.


The professor concludes the day's class by showing a lab sign-up form, available on the course's Web site. Sandra is able to access the Web page almost instantly with her handheld computer and succeeds in signing up for lab times that work well with her schedule. It was good she didn't wait, for within 10 minutes of the end of class, the other students in her class have signed up for most of the slots, conferring with friends using chat programs to ensure that they sign up for the same lab slots.


Scenario 2: Using the Virtual Learning Space


When the class concludes, Sandra turns to her neighbor to ask about several points the professor made in class. This attracts two other students, who enter the conversation. As the discussion continues, they are joined by the professor, who is heading out. Since another class is beginning to file in, the professor suggests they move outside the room to continue the discussion. They find one of the "discussion pockets" unoccupied and move in. The discussion pocket is the college's term for a small, curved space with a table and bench to accommodate a meeting of four or five people. Found outside the newer classrooms, they are handy for informal, spontaneous discussions. Sandra's group moves into the pocket and for the next 15 minutes continue their "spill over" discussion of the class.


After this informal discussion concludes, Sandra heads to the library; she has an hour until her next class and needs to get some work done. She finds some table space, pulls out her laptop, books, and iPod and sets to work. She checks on her e-mail and sends some responses. Three friends "drop in" on her via the chat program, and she spends a few more minutes conversing with all three on separate subjects. That done, she fires up her iPod to listen to some music she downloaded using her subscription to the official campus online music service.


Figure 4. Technology in the Library


Photo: Will Faller, Vassar College


Now she begins work on a term paper for a history class. She rummages through the library's online collection, looking for a map she needs to illustrate a point about 19th-century Asian history. She finds what she is looking for: although the map image is held by the library at a college on the other side of the country, Sandra has access to these resources. She is able to retrieve the map and insert into her document. She then traces arrows over the image to point out items important to the points she is making.


Again a friend drops in via chat, but this time it is about the joint presentation they are preparing for another class.


Figure 5. IP-Based Chat


Photo: Joe Mehling, Dartmouth College


They are able to have an audio chat; Sandra's friend is in her dorm room, and Sandra is in a remote corner of the library where conversation will not disturb others. As their discussion progresses, they go to the course's Web site and launch the virtual whiteboard to diagram some concepts. They develop a conceptual diagram—drawing, erasing, and revising it until they agree the diagram is correct. They both download a copy. Sandra volunteers to work on polishing the diagram and will leave a copy of the final diagram in her share folder in her online portfolio "locker."


Figure 6. Virtual Workspace Anywhere


Photo: Joe Mehling, Dartmouth College


Sandra returns to work on her term paper and decides a half hour later to take a break. She again checks e-mail, chats briefly with a friend about their upcoming soccer game, and switches playlists on her iPod. Then she remembers that she needs to review some Italian newscasts for her Italian class. The files containing the newscast video are on her iPod, so she plugs her iPod into her laptop, finds the video files, and launches her viewer application. Plugging her headphones into her computer, she is able to watch the entire segment, making notes on parts she did not fully understand. She then checks the class's Web site and sees there is an additional set of video files for reviewing. She downloads these quickly onto her iPod. Noting the time, Sandra packs up her gear and heads off to her next class, stopping once at a stand-up e-mail station to see the latest messages that have arrived in her inbox.


Scenario 3: From the Information Commons to the Learning Commons


Had sophomore Martin come to the university at the same time as his older sister some six years earlier, he would have found, as she did, a computer lab. This was a large room, located in the basement of the science building, filled with benches and seats. At each seat was a computer. A set of documentation racks were on one side of the room; some documents were in short supply, while others were obsolete. On the other side was a help desk, staffed by students with a finite set of answers to the infinite variety of questions directed at them. Finding a free computer, particularly at the end of the term, was a challenge. Once you arrived at an available computer, there was little room for all your study materials: books, backpack, coat, and folders. The administration, anxious to maximize student access to computers, had crammed as many workstations as they could into the space.


While the computers worked fine for the most part (though cleaning them up after previous users was sometimes a chore), getting help was a problem. To get help—for the use of an application or for a research question—required going to the second floor for IT help or to the main floor of the library for research help. That meant leaving your computer unguarded, possibly to be claimed by another student equally hungry for computer time. So you ended up rarely going for help but instead muddled through as best you could, perhaps asking the student next to you when you were desperate.


But today Martin arrives at the first floor of the library and goes to a set of rooms collectively called the Learning Commons. At the threshold of the commons is the peer-tutoring room, a place where students can drop in and receive peer-based help with writing, research, or IT issues. Martin stops by to ask about incorporating MPEG-4 audio files into a PowerPoint presentation he's due to give next week for an anthropology course. At the same time, he is able to get some questions answered about relevant online journals for his research project in psychology.


Martin checks the time and heads to a work team pod—a small, horseshoe shaped table with a computer and large display—where he meets classmates from his chemistry course. The pod enables the work group to share the display and collectively work on materials. Martin works for an hour with three other students, reviewing drafts for their essays, checking online materials, and revising the Web site they are putting together for their collaborative project on the molecular properties of the surfaces of liquids.


Figure 7. Learning Commons


Photo: Roberto Marques, USITE/Crerar Computing Laboratory Seminar Area, University of Chicago

摄影:罗伯托·马克斯,芝加哥大学,USITE /克里勒计算实验室地区研讨会

Once that meeting is complete, he locates a free spot, pulls his laptop out of his backpack, and spends the half hour before his next team meeting doing a wide variety of things, including chatting with half a dozen friends about their party plans for the weekend. At the same time, he sends an e-mail to one of the TAs for the chemistry course, asking for clarification of an assignment. He also browses the Web, zeroing in on a Web site at another college that is relevant to his anthropology course work, as well as seeing if the latest CD from his favorite band is available through the Music Store. In a few minutes, he has purchased several tracks from it and downloaded them onto his computer.


Martin checks the time again. It's 10:00 p.m., and there's still a great deal to get done. He divides his time across several course assignments, numerous chat sessions, and reading (both from paper and from his computer screen). After a time, feeling drowsy, he goes to the Midnight Café, buys a soda and some chips, and returns to his work.


At 11:30 p.m., Martin packs his gear and heads to another part of the commons, the Media Studio, which offers a number of stations for students to use for more advanced work with video and audio. Martin is working with a team of four other students on an assignment for a film studies course. Their task is to find clips from a set of films that illustrate a particular filming technique and to explain why it is effective. They rendezvous at a group station and spend the next hour reviewing films and identifying the clips they will use. They ask the student consultant on duty about whether it would be better to collect these in a single clip or as separate clips. By 12:45 a.m. Martin and his teammates have made their selections and given themselves tasks for the next phase of the assignment.


Figure 8. Media Studio


Photo: Joe Mehling, Dartmouth College


Martin calls up a Web page that contains a form for reserving one of the small group study rooms. He and some classmates have made an arrangement to meet with their anthropology professor. This meeting is to check on the progress Martin's group is making with their research project. The group wants the professor to review the video clips on their project Web site. Having found the reservation form, Martin is relieved to find that a room is available for the time they need; he reserves it. Noting it is now nearly one in the morning, Martin decides to turn in early for once (he has a language drill session at 7:45 a.m.). While walking back to his dorm, Martin prepares for the drill session by listening to some language lab audio files, which are streamed from the language lab server to his wireless iPod II.


New Learning Spaces


These scenarios show Net Gen students and faculty engaged in learning practices that are leveraged by IT, a process that requires either improving current practices or creating new ones. The underlying theme remains the same, however: cultivating learning practices consistent with learning theory and aligned with the habits and expectations of Net Gen students (and soon professors!) who have been "raised on" IT. The scenarios suggest the importance of integrating all learning spaces, formal and informal. For most higher education institutions, the lecture hall will not disappear; the challenge is to develop a new generation of lecture hall, one that enables Net Gen students and faculty to engage in enlivened, more interactive experiences. If the lecture hall is integrated with other spaces—physically as well as virtually—it will enable participants to sustain the momentum from the class session into other learning contexts. The goal is not to do away with the traditional classroom, but rather to reinvent and to integrate it with the other learning spaces, moving toward a single learning environment.


Building on these scenarios, Table 2 illustrates how Net Gen characteristics (such as the proclivity for group work) and learning theory might be supported by learning space design and IT. Learning theory is central to any consideration of learning spaces; colleges and universities cannot afford to invest in "fads" tailored to the Net Gen student that might not meet the needs of the next generation.


For example, start with the Net Gen students' focus on goals and achievement. That achievement orientation ties to learning theory's emphasis on metacognition, where learners assess their progress and make active decisions to achieve learning goals. Learning space design could support this by providing contact with people who can provide feedback: tutors, consultants, and faculty. This could, in turn, be supported in the IT environment by making formative self-tests available, as well as an online portfolio, which would afford students the opportunity to assess their overall academic progress.


Table 2. Aligning Net Gen Characteristics, Learning Principles, Learning Space, and IT Applications


Net Gen TraitLearning Theory PrinciplesLearning Space ApplicationIT Application
Group activityCollaborative, cooperative, supportiveSmall group work spacesIM chat; virtual whiteboards; screen sharing
Goal and achievement orientationMetacognition; formative assessmentAccess to tutors, consultants, and faculty in the learning spaceOnline formative quizzes; e-portfolios
MultitaskingActiveTable space for a variety of toolsWireless
Experimental; trial and errorMultiple learning pathsIntegrated lab facilitiesApplications for analysis and research
Heavy reliance on network accessMultiple learning resourcesIT highly integrated into all aspects of learning spacesIT infrastructure that fully supports learning space functions
Pragmatic and inductiveEncourage discoveryAvailability of labs, equipment, and access to primary resourcesAvailability of analysis and presentation applications
Ethnically diverseEngagement of preconceptionsAccessible facilitiesAccessible online resources
VisualEnvironmental factors; importance of culture and group aspects of learnersShared screens (either projector or LCD); availability of printingImage databases; media editing programs
InteractiveCompelling and challenging materialWorkgroup facilitation; access to expertsVariety of resources; no "one size fits all"



Perhaps the most challenging aspect of these new learning spaces is the need for integration. As institutions create an anywhere, anytime IT infrastructure, opportunities arise to tear down silos and replace them with a more ubiquitous learning environment. Using laptops and other networked devices, students and faculty are increasingly able to carry their entire working environment with them. To capitalize on this, campus organizations must work collaboratively to create a more integrated work environment for the students and faculty, one that better serves the mobile Net Gen students as well as a faculty faced with the initial influx of these students into their ranks. This will involve not only libraries and IT organizations but also facilities planning and buildings and grounds departments. Development organizations may also become involved as institutions look for the resources needed to implement these new learning spaces.




This description of learning spaces is suggestive rather than prescriptive. Learning spaces are complex, containing a multitude of variables. One of the key variables is the institution itself. Learning spaces are institutional in scope—their implementation involves the institution's culture, tradition, and mission. These institutional factors must be taken into account in order to design learning spaces to meet the needs of Net Gen students.


We must remind ourselves that today's students are only the "first wave" to exhibit Net Gen characteristics. Soon they will be graduate students and assistant professors, bringing their Net Gen work habits to the faculty ranks. In addition, faculty who are baby boomers and Gen-Xers are acquiring Net Gen characteristics as they become more facile with—and dependent upon—IT. Planning for Net Gen requirements cannot be dismissed as catering to a single generation. IT and the work habits that IT encourages are here to stay; planning for the Net Generation is tantamount to planning for the future.


No single magic formula will guarantee successful learning spaces on every campus. It is clear, however, that it will not be enough if we simply place projectors, computers, and DVD players in the classrooms. Nor will it be adequate just to provide scores of publicly available computers. Such tactics, in isolation, may have little impact. Learning space design is a large-scale, long-term project, involving building and maintaining consensus, curricular vision, emerging technology, and layout and furniture options, as well as intracampus organizational collaboration. Learning space design requires a collaborative, integrated approach, with an overarching vision that informs and supports specific projects.

没有一种神奇套路可以保证每一所学校的学习空间都能成功。然而,如果我们仅仅在教室里安装投影仪、计算机、DVD 播放器,显然是不够的。仅仅提供公用计算机也是不够的。这些孤立策略,并不会起多大作用。学习空间设计,是大型的、长期的项目,需要建立并保持共识、课程愿景、新兴技术、室内布局与家具选择,还有与校外机构的合作。学习空间设计需要共同的、综合的办法,一个可以激活和支持具体项目的整体目标。

The starting point for rethinking learning spaces to support Net Gen students begins with an underlying vision for the learning activities these spaces should support. This vision should be informed by learning theory, as well as by recognition of the characteristics of the students and faculty who use these spaces. An institution's specific culture, organizational structure, and fiscal circumstances enter the equation, as well. Once a vision has been established, the more concrete phases of planning can begin.




The author would like to thank his friend and colleague, Joan Lippincott of the Coalition for Networked Information, for sharing insight and advice, as well as for her permission to use some of the ideas we articulated in our EDUCAUSE Quarterly article.




  1. American Psychological Association, Board of Educational Affairs (BEA), "Learner-Centered Psychological Principles: A Framework for School Redesign and Reform," revision November 1997, http://www.apa.org/ed/lcp.html.

  2. National Research Council, How People Learn: Bridging Research and Practice, M. Suzanne Donovan, John D. Bransford, and James W. Pellegrino, eds. (Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 1999), pp. 12, 47; online edition available at http://www.nap.edu/catalog/9457.html.

Further Reading


American Association for Higher Education, American College Personnel Association, and National Association of Student Personnel Administrators, "Powerful Partnerships: A Shared Responsibility for Learning" (June 1998), http://www.aahe.org/assessment/joint.htm.

美国高等教育协会,美国大学人事协会和全国学生人事管理人员协会,《强大的合作伙伴关系:学习共同责任》 (1998年6月)。

Robert B. Barr and John Tagg, "From Teaching to Learning—a New Paradigm for Undergraduate Education," in Learning from Change: Landmarks in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education from Change Magazine 1969–1999, Deborah DeZure, ed. (Sterling, Va.: Stylus Publishing, 2000), pp. 198–200. Originally published in Change, vol. 27, no. 6 (November/December 1995), pp. 12–25.


Jacqueline Grennon Brooks and Martin G. Brooks, In Search of Understanding: The Case for Constructivist Classrooms (Alexandria, Va.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1993); online edition available at http://www.ascd.org/publications/books/1999brooks/1999brookstoc.html.


Malcolm B. Brown and Joan K. Lippincott, "Learning Spaces: More than Meets the Eye," EDUCAUSE Quarterly, vol. 26, no. 1 (2003), pp. 14–16, http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/eqm0312.pdf.


Nancy Van Note Chism and Deborah J. Bickford, eds., The Importance of Physical Space in Creating Supportive Learning Environments: New Directions for Teaching and Learning, No. 92 (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002).


National Research Council, How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School: Expanded Edition, John D. Bransford, Ann L. Brown, and Rodney R. Cocking, eds. (Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press, 2000), http://www.nap.edu/catalog/9853.html.


Lennie Scott-Weber, In Sync: Environmental Behavior Research and the Design of Learning Spaces (Ann Arbor, Mich.: Society for College and University Planning, 2004), http://www.scup.org/pubs/books/is_ebrdls.html.


About the Author


Malcolm Brown is director of academic computing at Dartmouth College. In this capacity he oversees IT support for teaching, learning, research, classroom technology, and media production. He has been active with the New Media Consortium (NMC), serving as chair of the NMC Board for 2003–2004, and is on the project board for the NMC Horizon Project for 2005. One of his areas of particular interest is learning theory and its application in the classroom. He has presented on these topics at the EDUCAUSE and National Learning Infrastructure Initiative (NLII) conferences and has participated in NLII focus sessions as well as Project Kaleidoscope's planning workshops for National Institute of Technology and Liberal Education (NITLE) schools. Brown has also taught courses on topics in intellectual history in the Jewish Studies program at Dartmouth.




翻译《11 为网络世代提升教师能力》

Faculty Development for the Net Generation


Anne H. Moore, John F. Moore, and Shelli B. Fowler


Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University


© Anne Moore, John Moore, and Shelli Fowler




In the past 10 years, many colleges and universities have actively engaged in integrating technology in teaching and learning. Approaches to this integration are as varied as the institutions' missions and the clarity of their aims for technology-assisted instruction. Regardless of the approach, institutions must make the necessary human and financial investments. Faculty development for existing and future faculty is a pivotal investment for integrating technology in higher education; it can catalyze innovations in learning across generations.


Today's students are described as busy instant messaging, blogging, downloading music and videos, and playing video games with an international network of friends and acquaintances. The technological engagement and interaction related to students' formal learning activities are not so widespread, however. Surveys of Net Generation students suggest that their learning experiences reflect mixed technology usage at best, and at worst they may experience ineffective or inappropriate uses of technology in their academic programs.1 Faculty report that students are asking for more online activities.2 A growing range of pilot programs and emerging practices document improvements in learning.3 But, when will such models be systematically adopted by institutions, resulting in widespread gains in student learning? That answer may be closely tied to faculty development.


Defining what constitutes faculty development is an important first step. Expertise should be developed, not just in how to use technology or in pedagogical practice but also in how to understand learners and how they perceive technology.


Jason Frand4 reinforced the need for faculty to work thoughtfully and creatively with Net Generation students' changing mindsets. Today's multitasking, Nintendo-born-and-bred students do not view computers as technology. They have a range of attributes that distinguish them from older generations. Baby Boomers and Gen-Xers populate higher education's existing faculty ranks; they have different mindsets. In order for higher education to ensure that productive teaching and learning exchanges occur across generations of learners, these different mindsets may need to be reconciled. As we've designed faculty development at Virginia Tech, the following characteristics of the Net Generation have influenced our programs.


  • Life online. For several decades, a growing body of research points to the ways in which computers and related technologies influence the ways we live and work—indeed, the way we think.5 Sherry Turkle6 has also studied the effects of computers on children and adolescents, describing the manner in which online environments offer spaces for identity, play, and expressing multiple aspects of the self. The so-called loner or silent student who might have never spoken in a face-to-face learning environment today may have online companions and also may interact more readily in online learning activities.
  • 网络化生活。几十年来,越来越多的研究支出,计算机及相关技术影响着我们生活工作方式——事实上,是对我们思维方式。雪利·特克尔还研究了计算机对儿童和青少年的影响,称影响集中在网上环境为身份、游戏、表达自我的多个方面提供空间。今天所谓不合群、安静的学生,可能在面对面学习环境中从不开口说话,但却有网上伙伴,也更容易在网上学习活动中发生互动。

  • Rapid communication. Turkle's research suggests that word processing has made thinking with our hands commonplace, for it allows people to quickly display their thoughts—good and bad, organized or chaotic—on a page. The resulting communications, public and private, often demonstrate wide variations in quality of thought and writing style; current experience in online education bears this out as well.
  • 快速沟通。特克尔的研究表明,字处理让我们用手思考变得稀松平常,让人们在纸上快速展现自己的想法,无论好坏、有无条理。由此产生的沟通,无论公开或私下的,常常在思想素质和写作风格上表现出巨大的差异。目前的网络教育也证实了这一点。

  • Social networking. The Net Generation uses technology to enliven and extend their social networks. Reports of Weblog use in higher education indicate that blogs are "helping students across the country meet their dorm mates, form study groups, and make friends before they set foot on … campus."7a,b
  • 社会网络。网络世代使用技术为其社交网络增添活力、扩展社交网络。高等教育中网志的使用报告表明,网志“帮助全国各地的学生,走进大学校园之前就开始寻找舍友,形成学习小组,结交朋友。”

  • Games and simulations. Net Generation students cut their teeth on computer games and simulations. This may have profound effects for learning. Fortunately for educators, games and simulations can be used to provide beneficial insights on simple or complex phenomena. Yet, life tends not to play out solely through the logic or binary rules of games and simulations; students' learning today needs to be more than simulacra.
  • 游戏与虚拟。网络世代学生从计算机游戏和模拟器中获得经验。这可能对学习产生深远影响。幸运的是,对于教育者,游戏和模拟器可以用来对简单或复杂现象提供有益的见解。然而,通过游戏和模拟器的逻辑或二元规则,往往并不能完全解决生活问题,今天学生的学习需要比想象更多的东西。

  • Digital literacy. Just as word processing makes it physically easier for students to express themselves, computers make it possible to use many applications, from spreadsheets to databases, without knowing how the hardware or software works. Turkle claimed that today's college students are so used to thinking about things at "interface" value, clicking on icons to accomplish their work and play, that all they require is seeing how something works rather than knowing how it works. Although the Net Generation is considered digitally literate, they might not possess the full complement of the knowledge and skills they need to use technology wisely and well. The same may be true for faculty.
  • 数字化素养。正如字处理可以让学生更容易表达自我,计算机可以使用很多应用程序,从电子表格到数据库,不需要知道硬软件是如何工作的。特克尔称,现在的大学生习惯于把事物看作“接口”,点击图标,完成工作,进行游戏,他们需要的仅仅是看见事物在工作,而不是了解如何工作。尽管都认为网络世代具备数字化素养,但是他们可能并不具备完整的知识和技能,而他们恰恰需要广泛而良好的运用这些技术。对于教师也同样如此。

Fluency in Information Technology


The National Research Council concluded that fluency with information technology is imperative today. This state of mind is called FIT, for fluency in information technology.8a,b FITness requires three kinds of knowledge:


  • Contemporary skills—the ability to use today's computer applications, enabling people to apply information technology immediately. Skills are an essential component of job readiness. Most importantly, skills provide a store of practical experience on which to build new competence.
  • 现代技术能力——使用现在的计算机应用程序的能力,可以让人们快速运用信息技术。技能是就业准备的重要组成部分。最重要的是,技能为产生新的能力提供了具体经验基础。

  • Foundational concepts—the basic principles and ideas of computers, networks, and information that underpin the technology. Concepts explain the how and why of information technology, and they give insight into its opportunities and limitations. Concepts are the raw material for understanding IT as it evolves.
  • 基本概念——计算机、网络的基本原理和概念,以及技术背后的信息。解释信息技术原理和原因的知识,以及对机会和局限的深刻理解。随着技术的进步,这些概念是理解信息技术的原材料。

  • Intellectual capabilities—the ability to apply information technology in complex situations, encapsulating higher-level thinking in the context of IT. These capabilities empower people to manipulate the medium to their advantage and to handle unintended and unexpected problems when they arise. Intellectual capabilities foster more abstract thinking about information and its manipulation.
  • 智力能力——在复杂情况下应用信息技术的能力,在信息技术背景下总结出更高层次的思维。这些能力使得人们有能力操纵媒介的优势,发生意外问题时有能力处理。智力能力促使更抽象的思考信息及相关处理方式。

To help students gain the knowledge necessary for FITness, an institution's strategic plan and teaching and learning activities should contain appropriate goals for becoming FIT. Faculty and staff who do not have the requisite knowledge and skills to work toward fluency in information technology may need professional development programs that help them achieve FITness in their teaching and research. To bridge the gap between faculty expertise and student needs, institutions must address awareness, enablement, and integration:


  • Awareness of students' approaches to meeting their learning needs and of what technologies are available to them
  • 知晓学生实现自己学习需求的方法,知道需要为他们提供哪些技术

  • Enablement through professional development so they have the skills needed to implement systemic change
  • 通过专业发展得以实现,这样他们拥有实施系统化变革所需要的技能

  • Integration, or the ability to bring together the disparate pieces needed—pedagogy, learning space design, technology, support, policies—to enable successful learning
  • 集成,将所需不同部分——教学法、学习环境设计、技术、支持、政策——整合在一起,实现成功学习的能力

Because technology, pedagogy, and practice change so rapidly, faculty professional development may need to be ongoing. When IT is involved, institutions also need to provide easy and convenient support for technology-integrated learning. To leverage the creativity of faculty and staff—to turn their intellectual and social imaginations to the task—institutions need to provide systematic encouragement and assistance through comprehensive faculty development programs.


The remainder of this chapter will describe two programs at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University that focus on professional development: for faculty, the Faculty Development Institute (FDI); and for graduate students, the Graduate Education Development Institute (GEDI). Both programs are grappling with ways to engage Net Generation students to benefit their learning.


The Faculty Development Institute


Virginia Tech's Faculty Development Institute helps faculty acquire teaching strategies that leverage instructional technologies to improve student learning (http://www.fdi.vt.edu/). FDI is the cornerstone of a large-scale, continuing strategy to systematically promote innovative, informed uses of technology in daily practice for faculty and students. FDI also represents one institution's attempt to focus on the knowledge and skills development required for a FIT faculty in order to meet today's students' needs for fluency in using information technology, or FITness. Begun in 1993, FDI


  • offers a recurring four-year cycle of faculty development workshops,
  • 提供为期四年的教师发展研讨会,

  • links professional development to replacing faculty computers every four years,
  • 每隔四年,随着专业发展更换教师计算机,

  • supports course development initiatives,
  • 支持课程开发活动,

  • promotes student digital literacy, and
  • 促进学生数字化素养,以及

  • outfits classrooms with appropriate technology.
  • 为班级配备适当的技术。

As a result, Net Generation students today are likely to find that a majority of their courses involve blended face-to-face and online learning activities, online discussions, archived learning materials, and discipline-specific software and Web-accessed resources—aspects of learning they claim to fully appreciate. And as these Net Gen students clamor for more, faculty report that their repeated FDI participation has made them likely to use technology more effectively across the spectrum of their professional lives, including teaching, research, and service roles.


Early FDI programs focused more on lowering faculty anxieties related to using new technologies in teaching. In the early 1990s, students were not always comfortable with changes in teaching or learning practices that technology introduced. Some students and faculty questioned whether the new technologies were just passing fads. But after the successes of the first full FDI cycle and with growing technology use plainly evident across a spectrum of institutional life, the university's 1996 strategic plan established the faculty development process as a strategic objective. Acknowledging that institutional leadership at the highest levels was necessary to sustain widespread technology integration, the 1996 plan and one in 2002 outlined aims for FITness. With strategic objectives and the requisite support structures in place, the university sought not only to provide for grassroots experimentation and innovation but also to nurture the seeds of change for faculty and students, regardless of generational affiliation.


Repeated participation of virtually all faculty (96 percent) and all department heads over more than a decade of FDI programs has helped build a wider familiarity and understanding of the complex issues involved in adopting and successfully integrating technology in traditional and hybrid courses. Awareness of the challenges raised in fully online distance-learning programs has increased as well. In addition, the evolving expectations of successive generations of students (of which Net Generation students are the latest and perhaps most vocal about technology's place in their lives) surface in faculty narratives shared in FDI workshops about successful strategies and practices. In turn, informal peer-mentoring activities have proven particularly productive in helping faculty address specific concerns. An especially effective feature of FDI is the series of presentations by faculty demonstrating how and why they have changed their approaches to teaching. These presentations provide credible responses to questions about the effects of technology use on student learning and attitude, productivity, student-faculty communication, instructional development time, and more.


Since its inception FDI has sought to involve faculty as workshop presenters on as many topics as feasible. Not surprisingly, the credibility and practicality evaluations of these presenters are high. Faculty selected to present to their peers are able to clearly describe successes and failures of early adoption strategies with emerging technologies in the context of their personal interaction with students. For example, presenters might illuminate how the use of instant messaging within a course fits with current expectations, habits, and practices of Net Generation students, as well as how it might benefit learning. FDI extends this approach to helping faculty understand changing norms and expectations in their use of course management systems, collaboration and conferencing tools, e-portfolios, digital library resources, and similar learning assets.


Further, faculty indicate that they find equal or greater value in systematic assistance from their peers. Such assistance includes sorting out ways in which new techniques or procedures relate to possible changes in course goals and outcomes, the incorporation of interdisciplinary agendas, and the introduction of gaming and simulation strategies to stretch and deepen learning. Faculty presentations, case studies, and Webcasts provide examples and personal narratives about successful (and problematic) implementations of emerging strategies to interested workshop participants.


FDI encourages interaction among presenters and other faculty. Resources and contact information are provided for each program track on its Web site.9 Modeled much like an online course, these faculty-to-faculty queries and conversations can be extended after workshops through online forums or e-mail with presenters. If developing course materials outside scheduled workshops is necessary, FDI provides production resources for digitizing content (for example, slides, audio, video) or limited quantities of graphic or animation developed through its partnership with the university's New Media Center (http://www.nmc.vt.edu).


As mentioned earlier, evaluation of the workshops by faculty attendees is positive. During a workshop, evaluations are conducted every 90 minutes using a Web-based form, providing rapid reports to workshop facilitators who, in turn, make changes expeditiously. Faculty clearly value the opportunity to explore instructional issues with their colleagues and to discover the potential of technology for enhancing their teaching; and they have indicated that FDI resources are critical if they are to adapt to the needs of their students. Indeed, faculty cite increased pressure from Net Generation students for more sophisticated uses of current and emerging technologies; these students say there is more to innovative teaching than PowerPoint and Excel.


Over a dozen years, FDI programs have evolved in several important ways. The content of FDI workshops changes each year as new technologies emerge and faculty demonstrate improved approaches to using technology in instruction. Early programs focused more on the basics of using technology and software. Current programming places more emphasis on


  • Shifts in faculty perceptions of students' expectations
  • 转移到教师对学生期望的认知上

  • Students' use of technologies such as instant messaging and blogs
  • 放在学生对技术的使用上,比如实时通讯和网志

  • Teaching strategies that can successfully address such behavioral shifts
  • 放在可以成功解决这类行为变化的教学策略上

  • Ways to design for active learning
  • 放在主动学习的设计方法上

  • The appropriate means for dealing with a range of privacy and security issues
  • 放在处理各种隐私和安全问题的适当方法上

Many workshops have also featured strategic, discipline-specific software with which faculty have requested assistance, such as MATLAB (math software used in engineering, science, and business), AutoCAD (design software used in architecture and engineering), ESRI Geographic Information Systems (GIS software used in agriculture, engineering, science, and social science), LabVIEW (instrumentation software used in agriculture, engineering, and science), and others. All workshops include open lab time designed to give faculty opportunities to apply what they learn to their courses. FDI staff also encourage faculty to bring their graduate assistants to workshops to facilitate the incorporation of new methodologies and technologies into the future professoriate's teaching practices.

许多研讨会也为那些请求援助的教师提供学科相关的重要软件,比如MATLAB(数学软件,用于工程、科学、商业)、AutoCAD(设计软件,用于建筑与工程)、ESRI 地理信息系统(用于农业、工程、科学、社会科学)、LabView(仪器软件,用于农业、工程、科学)以及其他。所有研讨会都包含上机时间,旨在为教师提供应用所学的机会。教师发展学会员工还鼓励教师带上助教参加研讨会,以促使新技术新方法融合进将来的专业教学实践中。

Other changes in programming include immersing faculty in more online activities that might lead to creating learning environments similar to their students' personal communication environments. A workshop might include an online tutorial, a short streaming video segment, and an online chat or discussion. The overall context emphasizes how technology-based resources may be useful to students in the learning; in the background, the hands-on use of software and Web-based tools such as course management systems or e-portfolios provides opportunities to practice.


A third shift has involved recognizing that FDI, while beginning as a teaching/learning enhancement program, should enlarge its scope to directly address how information technologies can be useful in all aspects of faculty life. Indeed, FDI staff work hard to maintain programming relevance and value. The identification of new topics and issues often comes directly from faculty through program evaluations, internal grant proposals, consultations, and direct suggestions. In addition, staff hold periodic program-planning briefings with each college to gather feedback on current offerings and to gain faculty input on topics that should be addressed in the future. Examples of new topics introduced based on faculty suggestions include Creating Learning-Centered Instruction, Parallel Programming for Supercomputing, and Using LabVIEW to Enhance Laboratory Learning. Other workshops and support for technology-assisted or enhanced research collaboration, grant writing, and presentation of research findings also resulted directly from faculty requests.

第三个改变牵涉到对教师发展学会的认可,虽然一开始是教育学习发展项目,意图扩大其作用范围,直接解决信息技术如何用在教师生活方方面面。事实上,教师发展学会员工很努力保持项目的意义和价值。要确认来自教师的新课题和问题,就要通过项目评估、内部许可提案、评议会、直接建议。另外,员工定期为每个学院发布项目规划简报,并收集对当前服务的反馈,得到教师对课题的看法,并在未来加以解决。基于教师建议开设新的课题介绍范例,包括创建以学习为中心的教学法,超级计算机并行程序设计,使用 LabView 增强实验学习。计算机辅助或增强协作研究、授予写作、展示研究成果,等其他研讨会及技术支持,也都直接来自于教师建议。

Another aspect of maintaining FDI relevance and value involves providing just-in-time, need-to-know access to information. FDI provides several Web-based information resources. An instructional design portal provides in-depth information, examples, and Web references covering instructional design models, pedagogy and learning theories, teaching strategies, media selection methodologies, and guidance on evaluation and assessment.10 For those with immediate questions concerning software functions and operations, FDI licenses online tutorials from Element K and Atomic Learning.11a,b Because the tutorial is well indexed, it is also easy to search when looking for specific information, such as how to insert graphs into documents. Thus the tutorial can also serve as an on-demand reference or help tool.


While faculty may refer to these resources for their own use, they also frequently treat the tutorials as supplements or references for students. Some faculty assign tutorials to be used outside class, saving valuable face-to-face time for other topics. Hundreds of tutorials are available and marketed alongside face-to-face workshops to emphasize continual availability. Faculty and students expect such immediate access—a characteristic of the Net Generation.


Carefully coordinated faculty development programs are a critical component of teaching and learning improvement. But these efforts are not stand-alone initiatives; they must be linked to infrastructure and services. For example, holistic planning is a necessity when curricular changes occur that require long-term planning for upgrades of discipline-specific computer classrooms and development of new courseware by faculty. Likewise, planning for workshops related to effective uses of wireless Internet access in classrooms should be coordinated with campus network planning efforts so that faculty are ready to leverage such an asset as soon as it is operational.


Virginia Tech, like many institutions, offers an array of services on behalf of technology-assisted learning that are closely aligned with the supporting infrastructure. Presenting a comprehensive, cohesive view of the breadth and depth of development services and programs is useful; old-fashioned marketing helps. Strategies aimed at better cohesion and communication include coordinating institutional offerings, cosponsoring and cobranding presentations, workshops, and lecture series, as well as internal grant programs and course development assets. Because different development programs and agencies within an institution often attract different segments of university faculty and staff, joint marketing and sponsorship can broaden the awareness and impact of each unit's work while simultaneously amplifying communication of institutional aims. In addition, Virginia Tech constructed Torgersen Hall, a building designed to showcase university activities for integrating technology in teaching and research as well as to provide spaces where such efforts might come together more spontaneously. Torgersen Hall also provides a home for FDI, the New Media Center, the digital library research, and more.


Click here to access videos of Torgersen Hall.


In summary, the FDI aims to help faculty construct a personal linkage between their professional needs in teaching and research as well as with the Net Generation and emerging technologies. Such development programs should emphasize teaching, learning, curriculum, discovery, and the needs of faculty and students; they should not focus on technology for its own sake. This focus underlies FDI's long-term, strategic value to the faculty and the university, which faculty and students have confirmed in surveys. Survey respondents indicate that active learning is integrated into instruction; greater student collaboration is taking place; and communication between faculty and students is enhanced. More important, perhaps, the surveys suggest that students feel they have a better understanding of course materials. Plus, they believe that they are provided opportunities to develop skills—such as problem-solving and critical thinking—that transcend individual subjects.


The Graduate Education Development Institute


Building on the success of the Faculty Development Institute, Virginia Tech launched a pilot project in 2003. Working in collaboration with the Graduate School, Learning Technologies (the division of Information Technology at Virginia Tech that also houses FDI) created the Graduate Education Development Institute (GEDI) to engage future faculty in teaching, learning, and technology issues as an integral part of their graduate student professional development. According to the EDUCAUSE Current Issues Committee, the "rapid introduction of new technologies and the constant enhancements and upgrades to existing technologies" indicates that faculty development models that focus on continuous learning and that take a systemic approach are increasingly necessary.12 With the creation of GEDI, Virginia Tech is moving toward a systemic approach that addresses current faculty (in FDI) and that engages our future faculty (in GEDI). While we encourage faculty-to-graduate-student mentoring, GEDI also recognizes the importance of peer mentoring in the process of learning to teach effectively. To that end, GEDI serves as a multidisciplinary site where graduate students can explore the integration of teaching, learning, and technology that meets the needs of Net Generation learners and their own professional needs for FITness.

在教师发展学会的基础上,弗吉尼亚理工大学于二〇〇三年启动了一项试点项目。与研究生院合作开展学习技术研究(在弗吉尼亚理工大学,研究信息技术的部门还有教师发展学会),建立研究生教育发展学会(GEDI),鼓励未来教师将教育、学习、技术问题当作其研究生专业发展不可分割的一部分。据EDUCAUSE 当前问题委员会所述,“新技术的快速引入,以及对已有技术的不断更新换代”,表明强调不断学习、采取系统方法进行学习这种教师发展模式,日益必要。随着研究生教育发展学会的建立,弗吉尼亚理工大学正开始通过系统方法对待当前的(教师发展学会里的)教师、吸引我们未来的(研究生教育发展学会里的)教师。虽然我们鼓励教师辅导研究生,但是研究生教育发展学会也认可学习过程中,同伴辅导对有效教学的重要性。为此,研究生教育发展学会建立一座多学科网站,让研究生探究教育、学习与技术的集成,满足网络世代学习者的需求,以及他们自己为达到适应性而产生的专业需求。

GEDI invites future faculty, at the beginning of their teaching careers, to begin thinking about how they can best communicate with Net Generation students. In doing so, GEDI staff hope to facilitate the development of a reflective teaching practice that better enables 21st-century faculty to recognize the importance of continuous learning for themselves as well as their students.


Click here to access video clips of GEDI participants.


In many ways, professional development issues are as old as academe itself. Yet the future professoriate is facing a new academy, one which asks them to envision "new structures and funding models, new professionals, new relationships, new accountability, and new leadership roles."13a,b For graduate students who plan to remain in academe, the 21st-century university is an exciting place. Even as novice teachers and scholars, many are eager to critically analyze the kinds of teaching and mentoring practices that have—and have not—worked well. The majority of graduate students in GEDI are a mix of late Baby Boomers and Generation Xers; almost all of these young professionals are technologically savvy in ways that their senior professors are not. As such, GEDI participants are curious about how the Net Generation's learning processes may differ from their own; they are intent on becoming teachers with skills that engage Net Generation learners.


Still in a pilot phase, the primary focus of GEDI is a semester-long, for-credit, multidisciplinary seminar, "Pedagogical Practices in Contemporary Contexts." This course asks participants to explore (and begin to develop) the kinds of reflective pedagogical practices that stimulate 21st-century lifelong learning and engagement within the Net Generation. (The course is also part of a recently approved Future Professoriate graduate certificate that students may choose to earn.) The intent of the GEDI pilot project is to move beyond the unavoidable limitations of short-term, workshop-based training. GEDI staff work to create an interactive community over the span of a semester. This community crosses disciplinary lines, offering the potential for multidisciplinary collaboration and opportunities to "think outside the box" of discipline-specific perspectives. This process begins by discussing the importance of having pedagogical practices informed by pedagogical theory. In many disciplines there is little organized discussion of teaching methods, and rarely is there assigned reading in any pedagogical theory that might inform practice. (Colleges and schools of education, as well as some disciplines within the humanities, are notable exceptions.)


In the first part of the GEDI course, students look at the potential usefulness of a critical pedagogical praxis. In particular, participants examine ways in which critical pedagogy may inform teaching practices with the goal of helping students think about their own learning processes. For example, seminar participants read selected works and discuss ways in which theory and practice might be reinvented and reframed for their own discipline. GEDI participants are encouraged to read other pedagogical theory as well. Emphasis is placed on thinking about pedagogical practices in terms of the learning objectives each instructor is trying to achieve, not on a specific theoretical approach. This process is increasingly important as participants learn to recognize the ways in which Net Generation students differ from their predecessors and the ways in which learning to be FIT might successfully occur.


Regardless of the domain knowledge being taught, traditional teaching methods are often viewed as less effective with Net Generation students. With attention to what Jason Frand called the attributes of the "information-age mindset,"14 GEDI participants discuss ways to use technologies that the Net Generation views as normative (rather than as technology) to challenge these learners to think creatively and critically. As Frand suggested, moving from "interacting on the Net" to "critical thinking" is not necessarily a simple or easy leap. Yet it is a necessary one. Helping students understand that finding information via Google is not synonymous with the critical evaluation of information is one of the tasks of contemporary higher education. As Net Generation students leave college and enter the broader society, "the ability to deal with complex and often ambiguous information will be more important than simply knowing a lot of facts or having an accumulation of knowledge."15


For some faculty, many of whom have been teaching for several decades, the learning processes of Net Generation students are viewed within a negative framework. Differences in learning processes are perceived as shortcomings—the desire for ubiquitous connectivity, the preference for multitasking and "channel-surfing attention spans," and less tolerance for delays, for example—when compared with previous generations of learners. In GEDI, participants avoid judgmental evaluations of different learning processes and focus instead on creating problem-based, active-learning environments that prepare Net Generation students for the complex 21st-century context in which they live and work.


GEDI participants, across a wide range of disciplines, are interested in discovering how current technologies might further students' intellectual movement from simplistic "absolute knowers" to more sophisticated "contextual knowers."16 The GEDI seminar conversations also focus on issues of diversity: recognizing diverse curricular goals, diverse learning styles, and the increasingly diverse demographics that exist both inside and outside 21st-century classrooms. GEDI's primary emphasis, though, is on developing curricular approaches and pedagogical practices that facilitate Net Generation learners' abilities to problem solve in complex contexts—a process that requires the contemporary skills, foundational concepts, and intellectual capabilities that go with a FIT mindset.


Within the GEDI seminar, participants from fields as diverse as engineering, political science, chemistry, and English examine various problem-based learning case studies. Participants decide how and why a particular case study does (or does not) work and how to improve it. They explore whether the case study involves problem-based learning that encourages students to problem solve while simultaneously using domain knowledge, skill sets, and tools particular to that discipline. Participants assess whether a strategy inadvertently has a closed-ended answer, or whether it provides opportunities for students to suggest alternative solutions. They focus on how Net Gen students' technology skills and learning processes are engaged. In addition, emphasis is placed on case studies requiring students to address complex domestic and/or global contexts in finding possible solutions. These conversations take place with attention to different teaching and learning environments—from small labs and discussion-based classrooms to large lecture halls, hybrid/blended situations, and fully online courses. Following the collective cross-disciplinary discussions about what makes a successful case study, participants work individually or in teams to develop a sample problem-based learning module or case study for use in a course. Part of the task includes providing audience- and site-specific learning objectives for the case study and rationales for how and why various technologies are integrated.


In seminar dialogues, participants talk about active learning that recognizes and develops undergraduate students' sense of agency as FIT critical thinkers; they are also fostering their own sense of agency—as future faculty—about their teaching. For example, GEDI facilitators prefer not to overemphasize "how to" prescriptions about various teaching and learning technologies; instead, they encourage graduate students to explore how they might shape the technology to fit their pedagogy rather than vice versa. Likewise, since a critically engaged, self-reflective teaching praxis is what GEDI participants are encouraged to develop, the seminar and assignments are designed to foster a reflective practice. As part of this process, GEDI participants explore the use of Virginia Tech's e-portfolio software as both a teaching tool and a professional development tool. To understand some of the ways they might incorporate the use of an e-portfolio into their teaching and how they might engage Net Generation learners in critical reflection via the tool, they simulate and use the e-portfolio with each other in much the same way that they might ask their own students to use it. GEDI participants also use the e-portfolio to begin the process of building a teaching portfolio. The creation of a teaching philosophy, syllabi, and digital video clips of their teaching can be "housed" in the e-portfolio along with reflections about their teaching and learning praxis.


It is important that we develop teaching and learning practices that encourage the Net Generation to develop critically engaged lifelong learning skills—with the emphasis on critically engaged. Technology should not be used to allow students to become passive recipients of information, as some traditional teaching methods do. Integrative approaches to teaching, learning, and technology should not render our students passive learners, however unintentional. Tony Bates has argued that students should be provided opportunities to interact with their instructors and with other learners, whether minutes, miles, or continents apart and, most important, that Net Generation learners "need to be able to challenge and question what they are being taught."17 Higher education needs to foster active learners with the complex critical thinking and problem-solving skills required for this new century. At Virginia Tech, the GEDI project engages future faculty—those who will be responsible for teaching the Net Generation—in developing "best practices" in technology-enriched teaching and learning.




Current and future faculty are expanding their understanding of the Net Generation, technology, and pedagogy in an effort to improve teaching and learning. For this to occur, Baby Boomer and Gen-X faculty, as well as graduate students, need systematic support to develop and maintain their own fluency in information technology—to be FIT. Net Generation students assume a technology-enabled context in much of their lives and work; they exhibit a degree of digital literacy not necessarily shared by faculty; and they too need the full complement of knowledge and skills to be FIT. A first step is to focus on what students should know and be able to do. A next step is to understand what technology means to students. Programs such as FDI and GEDI illustrate how to support faculty in their efforts to engage the Net Generation.




  1. Robert B. Kvavik, Judith B. Caruso, and Glenda Morgan, ECAR Study of Students and Information Technology, 2004: Convenience, Connection, and Control (Boulder, Colo.: EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research, research study, vol. 5, 2004), http://www.educause.edu/ers0405/.

  2. I. Elaine Allen and Jeff Seaman, Sizing the Opportunity: The Quality and Extent of Online Education in the United States, 2002 and 2003 (Needham, Mass.: Sloan-C, September 2003), http://www.sloan-c.org/resources/sizing_opportunity.pdf.

  3. Browse the Web sites at the Center for Academic Transformation http://www.center.rpi.edu, the Sloan Consortium http://www.sloan-c.org, WCET http://www.wcet.info, and the EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research (ECAR) http://www.educause.edu/ecar/ for numerous resources, from case studies to program analyses of pilot initiatives and emerging practices.

  4. Jason Frand, "The Information-Age Mindset: Changes in Students and Implications for Higher Education," EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 35, no. 5 (September/October 2000), pp. 15–24, http://www.educause.edu/apps/er/erm00/articles005/erm0051.pdf.

  5. Sherry Turkle, "How Computers Change the Way We Think," Chronicle Review, vol. 50, no. 21 (January 30, 2004), p. B26, available by subscription at http://chronicle.com/weekly/v50/i21/21b02601.htm.

  6. Sherry Turkle, Life on the Screen: Identity in the Age of the Internet (New York: Touchstone, 1995).

  7. (a) Brock Read, "Back-to-School Blogging: Web Logs Help Students Prepare for Campus Life," Chronicle of Higher Education, September 3, 2004; available by subscription at http://chronicle.com/prm/weekly/v51/i02/02a03501.htm. For more information about educational blogging and student behavior, see also
    (b) Stephen Downes, "Educational Blogging," EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 39, no. 5 (September/October 2004), pp. 14–26, http://www.educause.edu/apps/er/erm04/erm0450.asp.

  8. (a) National Research Council, Being Fluent with Information Technology (Washington, D.C.: National Academies, 1999), http://www.nap.edu/catalog/6482.html;
    (b) browse further at the host site http://www.nap.edu/ for numerous other resources on related topics.

  9. Browse Virginia Tech's Faculty Development Institute Web site http://www.fdi.vt.edu/summer/2004/TrackC.html for more information about faculty training programs.

  10. Browse Virginia Tech's Educational Technology Web site http://www.edtech.vt.edu/edtech/id/index.html for more information on instructional design and other teaching resources.

  11. See (a) Element K http://www.elementk.com and
    (b) Atomic Learning http://www.atomiclearning.com.

  12. Donald Z. Spicer, Peter B. DeBlois, and the EDUCAUSE Current Issues Committee, "Current IT Issues: 2004," EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 39, no. 3 (May/June 2004), pp. 12–26, http://www.educause.edu/apps/er/erm04/erm0430.asp.

  13. See (a) Carole A. Barone, "The Changing Landscape and the New Academy," EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 38, no. 5 (September/October 2003), pp. 40–47, http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/erm0353.pdf; and
    (b) Susan Walsh Veronikas and Michael F. Shaughnessy, "Teaching and Learning in a Hybrid World: An Interview with Carol Twigg," EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 39, no. 4 (July/August 2004), pp. 50–62, http://www.educause.edu/apps/er/erm04/erm0443.asp.

  14. Frand, op. cit. 引用如前

  15. Ibid. 同上

  16. Marcia B. Baxter Magolda, Making Their Own Way: Narratives for Transforming Higher Education to Promote Self-Development (Sterling, Va.: Stylus Pub, 2001), pp. 27–36.

  17. Tony Bates, "Teaching, Learning, and the Impact of Multimedia Technologies," EDUCAUSE Review, vol. 35, no. 5 (September/October 2000), pp.38–43, http://www.educause.edu/apps/er/erm00/articles005/erm0053.pdf.

About the Authors


Anne H. Moore is associate vice president for learning technologies at Virginia Tech, where she coordinates such programs as the Faculty Development Institute and the Graduate Education Development Institute. In addition to teaching in urban affairs and planning, she assists underserved rural and urban communities with integrating technology in learning activities. Moore is founding chair of the Electronic Campus of Virginia. She has served as staff director for two reports on the future of Virginia higher education and sits on several advisory boards. Moore holds three degrees from the College of William and Mary and has authored numerous articles, book chapters, and policy papers.


John F. Moore is director of educational technologies at Virginia Tech's Faculty Development Institute, recognized for its best practices in a national benchmarking study sponsored by the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association. Moore leads initiatives in e-portfolios, online learning systems, and faculty development. He also heads Virginia Tech's planning and implementation of e-portfolios. Moore codirected the Sloan Foundation–funded ACCESS project to study the effects of asynchronous learning courses on students and faculty, as well as several National Cancer Institute–funded consumer health intervention projects using interactive kiosks. Moore holds bachelor's and master's degrees from Ohio University and a doctorate in instructional systems from Virginia Tech.

约翰·摩尔,弗吉尼亚理工大学教师发展学会学习技术部主任,该学会是国家高等教育行政人员联合会主办的国家基准研究当中公认的最佳实践。摩尔引领电子学习档案、在线学习系统和教师发展的创新。摩尔与他人共同负责斯隆基金会资助的ACCESS 项目,研究教师和学生在异步学习课程中的学习效果,以及国家癌症研究所资助的利用交互式信息亭的一些消费者健康干预项目。摩尔拥有俄亥俄州大学的学士学位和硕士学位,并在从弗吉尼亚理工大学获得教学系统博士学位。

Shelli B. Fowler is director of the Graduate Education Development Institute in Learning Technologies at Virginia Tech and associate professor of English. Her research areas include critical pedagogy and the integration of teaching and technologies, and she is the coeditor of Included in English Studies: Learning Climates That Cultivate Racial and Ethnic Diversity. She is the recipient of several department, college, and university teaching awards. Fowler earned her doctorate from The University of Texas at Austin.

