E123_1 Parents as partners
Time: 16 hours
Level: Introductory- 难度:入门
Introduction Resource
- 前言
- In this unit we look at the
notion of parents as partners. We identify a cluster of reasons why
partnership is considered important – for children, parents and
practitioners – and give examples of ways... - 在本单元我们将了解到家长作为伙伴这种主张。至于为什么伙伴关系被认为是重要的——对于孩子、家长以及相关工作者,我们找到若干理由,并给出实践范例……
What is meant by ‘Partnership with parents’
What is meant by ‘Partnership with parents’ Resource
- “与家长结成伙伴关系”是什么意思
- ‘Partnership with parents’ is a
familiar phrase in education. Without exception, all early years
settings wish for a close, two-way relationship with children's parents
and carers. There is considerable... - “与家长结成伙伴关系”是教育中的一句常用语。毫无例外的,所有的早期教育机构都希望于儿童的家长或照顾者形成一种密切的、双向的关系。有相当……
1: Practitioner – parent partnerships
The nature of partnership
- 伙伴关系的本质
- Partnership: An association of two or more people as partners; a joint business.
- 伙伴关系:两或多个人以合伙人的身份相互交往;一起做的事情。
A broadly accepted principle
- 广泛接受的原则
- Looking back over time, parent –
practitioner relations didn't always get off to a good start. Increased
provision for children in the early years, including universal state
education, served to create... - 回头看看过去,家长—教育工作者的关系并不能总是有一个良好的开端。在儿童早期几年里增加更多供应,包括普通国家教育、为创造一种……
Why work together?
- 为什么要合作?
- There are many reasons why
parents and practitioners should work together. Writers and
practitioners often stress the benefits for children's learning when
practitioners, parents and children work as a... - 对于为什么家长要和教育工作者合作,这里有很多理由。当从业者、父母与孩子一起工作的时候,作家与从业者往往强调儿童学习的利益……
Parents are educators
- 父母是教育者
- There is a sense in which all
parents are educators, whether or not they work in conjunction with
their child's professional educators. Indeed, some parents extend this
intuitive involvement by formally... - 有这样一种观点,所有的父母都是教育者,无论他们是否与他们孩子的专业教育者配合。事实上,某些家长通过正式的成为家庭教育者来扩展直觉……
Parents give ‘background’ support to practitioners
- 家长给予教育工作者背后的支持
- Many parents take on an educating
role – through their own initiative, or perhaps through their liaison
with practitioners and teachers. They provide specific support within
families for the learning that... - 许多家长都扮演一个教育角色——通过他们自己的行动,或者通过他们与教育工作者和教师的联络。他们在家庭中为学习提供了具体的支持……
Many parents work alongside practitioners
- 许多家长与从这一起工作
- Parents can provide invaluable
support to children within an early education setting – offering
occasional help when practitioners request it, or working as regular
volunteers or maybe as paid assistants.... - 家长可以为孩子在早期教育环境中提供宝贵的支持——偶尔在从业者需要的时候提供帮助,或者作为经常性的志愿者,或者有偿服务……
2 Partnership issues for practitioners
Perspectives and challenges
- 视角与挑战
- As we have suggested, parents and
practitioners may have different perspectives on partnership, and this
raises important issues for practitioners when seeking to involve
parents in their work with children.... - 正如我们所建议,父母与教育工作者对于伙伴关系有着不同的看法,当教育工作者寻求父母的帮助时会导致重大问题……
Recognizing that parents are individuals
- 认识到每位家长都是独立存在的
- Just as practitioners regard
children as individuals, so it should be with their parents. However,
because most parents are more distanced from practitioners' immediate
professional lives than children,... - 正如教育工作者将每一位儿童视为独特个体,那么他们也应该如此对待家长。然而,与儿童相比,家长距离教育工作者的实际专业生活更加疏远,……
Understanding why some parents decide not to be partners
- 理解某些家长决定不合作的原因
- Carol Vincent's ‘detached’ and
‘independent’ parents remind us that when practitioners set up parent
partnerships they need to be mindful of the reasons why some parents
choose not to be involved in ways... - 卡罗尔·文森特的“超然”和“独立”家长提醒我们,从业者在建立家长伙伴关系的时候,他们需要留意某些家长不参与进来的理由……
Working with ‘challenging’ parents
- 与“挑战型”家长一起工作
- Jennifer Chambers, a childminder, has noted that:
- 珍妮弗·坎贝尔,一位幼儿园阿姨,强调:
Parents are both women and men
- 家长里男女都有
- The gender-neutral term ‘parents’
is rightly inclusive of both mothers and fathers. It does, however,
mask the fact that women mainly take the lead in childcare and interact
with early years and primary... - 中性词“家长”理所当然的包括了父亲和母亲。然而,事实上,它会掩盖主要是妇女在照顾小孩,以及在早期和小学……
Acknowledging family structures
- 承认家庭结构
- Understandably, family structures
impact on partnership practice, and practitioners need a good knowledge
of the many forms that families can take. It's important not to make
the assumption that most children... - 可以理解的是,家庭结构能够影响到伙伴关系的实施,而教育工作者对于这些家庭的诸多形式需要一个好的认知。最重要的是不要假定大多数孩子……
3 Partnership in practice
Parent – practitioner relationships
- 家长—从业者关系
- In this section we focus
specifically on parental involvement practice and look at the following
four expressions of partnership: - 在这一节,我们具体关注有家长介入的实践活动,了解以下四种伙伴关系的表现形式:
Parents following practitioner suggestions
- 家长听从从业者的建议
- A great deal of partnership
involves parents responding to practitioners' ideas. This often
involves the recommendation of specific activities that can be carried
out within children's homes and communities... - 大量的伙伴关系使得家长对从业者的想法做出反应。这常常涉及能够在儿童家里和社区开展的具体活动的建议……
Adventure Ted
- 冒险泰德
- Sometimes novel ideas are used to
stimulate parent–practitioner partnership. Caroline Struthers runs a
home–school partnership project in South Lanarkshire. She uses
‘Adventure Ted’ to stimulate a range... - 有时候新奇想法可以用来刺激家长与从业者之间的伙伴关系。卡罗琳·斯特拉瑟斯在南拉纳克郡运作一项家校伙伴关系项目。他使用“冒险泰德”刺激一系列……
- 阅读起步走
- 'Reading together'
- 一起阅读
Practitioners providing courses for parents
- 从业者为家长提供课程
- A well-known way of increasing
goodwill, understanding, and a sense of partnership between
practitioners and parents is through the provision of courses and
workshops. These can take many forms, but essentially... - 增进从业者与家长之间的友善,理解,以及伙伴关系的感觉的一项著名办法,就是提供课程与讲习班。这可以有很多种形式,但最基本的……
Parents and practitioners supporting each other
- 家长与从业者相互支持
- At the beginning of Section 1 of
this unit we gave a definition of partnership, which included the idea
that it is ‘a joint business’. We next consider a partnership
initiative in which parents and practitioners... - 在本单元第一节最开始我们给伙伴关系下了一个定义,它包括了“一起工作”这个观念。我们接下来考虑家长与从业者之间伙伴关系的主动权……
Parents taking the lead with practitioner support
- 家长在从业者的支持下起带头作用
- There are some situations in
which parents become leaders in ways that are not typical, even in
early years settings. Footprints, for example, is a parent-run
breastfeeding support project that arose out... - 在某些情况下,家长以不寻常的方式成为领导者,甚至在一些早期教育机构中。比如,足迹,是一项家长运作的母乳喂养支持项目……
4 A framework for understanding partnership
Five dimensions to parental involvement
- 家长介入的五个维度
- Over the years, writers have put
forward models, frameworks and typologies for understanding the
theoretical and practical dimensions of partnership. The curriculum
guidance documents produced respectively... - 多年以来,为理解伙伴关系的理论和实践维度,作者提出了模型、框架和特征。课程指导文档分别……
Partnership in your setting
- 在你的教育环境中的伙伴关系
- Look again at Table 1, and consider how your relationships and initiatives with parents relate to the types that are identified:
- 回过头再看表一,并且考虑你和家长之间的关系与主动权是怎样的,涉及到哪些确切类型:
- 回顾
- In this unit we have looked at
the notion of parents as partners. We have identified a cluster of
reasons why partnership is considered important – for children, parents
and practitioners – and have provided... - 在本单元我们看到了家长也是伙伴的观念。我们确定了为什么伙伴关系被认为是重要的一组理由——无论对儿童、家长还是从业者,并提供了……
References and Acknowledgements
- 参考文献
- 致谢
this unit we look at the notion of parents as partners. We identify a
cluster of reasons why partnership is considered important – for
children, parents and practitioners – and give examples of ways in
which it can be interpreted in practice. We also outline a conceptual
framework to accommodate the possible range of parental involvement and
partnership practice.
involvement practice is usually conceptualized and specified by
professionals. As a result, it is necessary for practitioners to be
open and receptive to feedback and suggestions both from parents and
children. Some parents, for reasons that may not be apparent to
practitioners, are reluctant to become involved in their children's
care and education; others may choose not to become involved.
Practitioners need to be aware of parents' feelings, and to be cautious
about blaming them for what seems to be a lack of interest.
we show throughout this unit, partnership can take many forms. We
discuss how while projects and special initiatives that encourage
parental involvement can be exciting and stimulating, they can also be
short lived and heavily reliant on the provision of extra funds. The
unit underlines how partnership needs to be a way of life that becomes
embedded in the ongoing day-to-day exchanges that take place between
parents, practitioners and children.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this unit you should be able to:
- discuss the issues surrounding parental partnership in early years education;
- 围绕早期教育的家长伙伴关系讨论相关问题;
- understand the reasons why some parents and carers may find it difficult to work in close collaboration with practitioners;
- 理解为什么有些家长和照顾者会发现与从业者密切合作很困难的原因;
- identify some of the many benefits of partnership for children, parents and practitioners;
- 确定伙伴关系给孩子们、家长以及从业者带来的诸多好处中的一些;
- appreciate practices that can be used to foster parental partnership;
- 肯定那些可以用于培养家长伙伴关系的实践的优点;
- understand the rationale for the type of parent partnership that is used in your setting.
- 理解存在于你的教学环境中的家长伙伴关系的类型的原理。
What is meant by ‘Partnership with parents’
with parents’ is a familiar phrase in education. Without exception, all
early years settings wish for a close, two-way relationship with
children's parents and carers. There is considerable evidence of the
value of partnership, but also reason to think that it is not a
straightforward notion.
Figure 1 Sally Jeffs, a parent who runs Footprints, with Kalem and Saski
图一 萨利·杰夫斯,在卡莱姆与萨斯基身上实施脚印计划的家长
unit aims to support your understanding of what partnership might mean,
how it can be interpreted, and how it might be put into practice in
educational settings. We take a realistic view of the challenges that
can arise when practitioners and parents endeavour to work closely
together for the benefit of children's development and learning. But we
suggest that the onus should be on practitioners, as
professionals, to understand why some parents may be tentative about
becoming partners. The unit provides examples of partnership in action,
and offers a framework for understanding the range of partnership
practice that can be found in today's early education settings.
1: Practitioner – parent partnerships
The nature of partnership
Partnership: An association of two or more people as partners; a joint business.
can be found in many areas of life. Solicitors, accountants, doctors
and dental surgeons often set up partnerships. People ‘in partnership’
own shops and department stores, such as the ‘John Lewis Partnership’.
There is currently much discussion about setting up ‘private – public
partnerships’ in order to draw much-needed finance into the public
services. Partnership, as a legally binding arrangement, comes with a
set of principles linked to the partners' roles and responsibilities,
and an equality of participation.
education, the idea of a partnership between parents and practitioners
has been around for many years. In the late 1970s the Warnock Report
reviewed provision for children with special educational needs in
England and Wales. The report contained an influential chapter entitled
‘Parents as partners’ (CEEHCYP, 1978). Indeed, it is now within the
area of special educational needs and inclusive education that
partnership with parents can often be found in its most developed form.
Parents of a child with complex needs can become very knowledgeable
about their child's requirements. Wolfendale (1987), writing of the
rationale for involving parents in assessment, refers to their
‘equivalent expertise’. There is much to suggest that practitioners
stand to be more informed professionals if they form close partnerships
with parents. In fact, when children have complex needs, professionals
find that they must consult with parents in order to understand and make provision for those needs.
在教育界,在家长与从业者之间的伙伴关系这种想法早已有之。在七十年代末,沃诺克报告审查了英格兰和威尔士为有特殊教育需求的儿童所提供的设施。该报告包含了一章有影响力的章节《家长亦伙伴》(CEEHCYP, 1978)。事实上,在目前特殊教育和包容性教育领域,常常能够看到与家长的伙伴关系的最高级形式。有着复杂需求的孩子的家长,可以变得非常了解自己孩子的需求。沃芬戴尔(1987),在写到有关要求家长参与到评估当中的原理时,提到他们的“等价专业技术”。许多观点建议,如果从业者与家长保持密切的伙伴关系,其立场将更加专业明智。事实上,当孩子们有复杂需求的时候,专家们发现他们必须求助于家长,才能理解并满足这些需求。
are a number of concepts associated with the notion of practitioner –
parent partnership, including ‘parental participation’, ‘parental
involvement’, ‘parental support’ and ‘parental collaboration’. There
is, however, much overlap between these terms. ‘Partnership’ has become
the preferred term to describe the relationship that an early years
setting aims to have with its parent body. This is reflected in the
day-to-day language used by practitioners, and in the various
curriculum guidance documents produced by all four UK countries. In
early years care and education contexts, the notion of partnership is
associated with ‘shared understanding, mutual respect and discussion’
(ACCAC, 2000, p. 9) rather than a formal laying down of the roles and
responsibilities of the partners in a legal way.
primary schools, however, the requirement to introduce home-school
agreements in September 1999 has shifted the balance towards a more
formal notion of partnership. This has been met with mixed reactions
from parents, teachers and teaching assistants. Indeed, Bastiani
(1996), reviewing the issues surrounding such agreements, is unsure
whether agreements provide an ‘opportunity or a threat’ to relations
between parents, children and teachers. At face value, an agreement
seems a good way of bringing these three parties together. However, the
formulation of an agreement takes time, and there is a risk that
schools might wish to do it quickly. Parents and children may be left
out of the essential consultation process, and then just told what the
agreement will be.
1: Practitioner – parent partnerships
A broadly accepted principle
back over time, parent – practitioner relations didn't always get off
to a good start. Increased provision for children in the early years,
including universal state education, served to create a sense of
separation between family and child. Desiree Wilby, writing in the
early 1900s, expressed her concern:
The mother is no longer needed, the State has undertaken her work.
seems that schools were slower to develop working relationships with
parents than pre-school settings. While there is now much evidence of
change, there is also considerable variation across the country, and
favourable developments in parental involvement can easily be knocked
back. Chris Woodhead, one-time Chief Inspector of Schools, suggests
that we need a concept of partnership that enables each partner ‘to
move beyond defensiveness' (Woodhead, 1998).
似乎学校要比学龄前教育机构在发展与家长关系方面慢些。虽然现在有了很明显的变化,但全国各地很不均衡,并且在家长介入方面良好的进展很容易就被破坏。克里斯·伍德海德,前教育局长,表明我们需要一个伙伴关系的概念,使得每一位伙伴“走出保守状态”(Woodhead, 1998)。
Pre-school Learning Alliance has voiced several concerns relating to
parental involvement in UK settings. In particular, the organization
wishes to see a strengthening of the role of parents in the education
of children under five, but believes that the increased
‘professionalization’ of early years provision could result in less
parental involvement arising naturally from within communities
(Cassidy, 2002). It sees practice in France as a good example of
involving parents. France has a strong tradition of state provision,
but parents are also able to start their own nurseries aided by the
state. In this way, parents can be given increased influence over their
children's early education.
学前学习联盟表达了对在英国教育机构中家长介入的关切。特别是,该组织希望看到家长加强在儿童五岁以下教育中的作用,但是认为增加早期教育的专业化可以导致社区内更少家长会自发介入(Cassidy, 2002)。他认为法国的做法是发动家长的优秀范例。法国有着发达的国家提供教育传统,但是也允许家长开办自己的幼儿园并由国家补贴。通过这种方式,家长可以增强在其孩子早期教育中的影响。
these concerns, more open and inclusive professional attitudes in
recent years have doubtless led to widespread recognition of the
importance of parents as partners, particularly during children's
earliest years when care and education are inextricably linked.
Parental participation has also been enabled by specific educational
legislation, which gives parents greater voice as consumers of a public
service. For instance, there is now parental representation both at
local education authority (LEA) and school governing body levels, and
inclusion of parental feedback in Office for Standards in Education
England (Ofsted) inspections. Through exercising their right of choice
(or ‘preference’), parents have been encouraged to express their views,
and have been assigned a role to improve services for children. (It is
worth noting here that occasionally this has given rise to litigation
against an educational setting or LEA, which is unlikely to be in the
interests of parent – practitioner partnerships.)
early years education, it has long been recognized that parents have
much to contribute to children's development and education. In settings
where informal contact with parents is the norm (as with childminders
and playgroups) rather than something that needs to be achieved,
productive collaboration has been a way of life. However, the way in
which a partnership is conceptualized and made workable varies
considerably: what is deemed appropriate in one area of the UK may not
be considered suitable in another; and what is seen as innovative
practice in one setting may be seen as commonplace elsewhere.
parents and practitioners view partnership in many different ways.
Given that practitioners are in a greater position of power in the
partnership, invariably they take the lead in defining its nature and
deciding the extent to which parents enter the professional domain.
There is much evidence to suggest that practitioners often assume that
they know what is in the best interests of parents (see Bastiani and
Wolfendale, 1996; Edwards, 2002). Partnership, then, is often very
one-sided. As one parent said at a conference to discuss the idea of
home-school agreements:
此外,家长与从业者对伙伴关系的看法也各不相同。从业者在伙伴关系中总是习惯处于更强势的位置,在家长进入专业领域的时候,必然有他们决定定义其性质、决定其范围。有大量证据表明从业者常常假设他们知道什么对家长最好(详见 Bastiani 与
Wolfendale, 1996; Edwards, 2002)。然后,伙伴关系往往就变成一种高度片面的关系。正如一名家长在讨论家校协议的会议上所言:
mean, the parents wouldn't just come towards the teachers and say, I
want you to sign this agreement that we've just made up, would they?
1: Practitioner – parent partnerships
Why work together?
are many reasons why parents and practitioners should work together.
Writers and practitioners often stress the benefits for children's
learning when practitioners, parents and children work as a team. At a
deeper level, such collaboration can be fundamental to children's
identity, self-esteem and psychological well-being. The close
cooperation of parents and practitioners to provide support to children
is especially important during times of change. This alone is a
compelling reason for partnership.
is certainly desirable that the key adults in children's lives relate
to them and encourage them in similar ways. To get a sense of the
extent to which parents can be involved in children's education, it is
helpful to make three distinctions:
parents are educators;- 家长是教育者;
parents give ‘background’ support to practitioners;- 家长为从业者提供背景支持;
many parents work alongside practitioners.- 许多家长与从业者一起工作。
1: Practitioner – parent partnerships
Parents are educators
is a sense in which all parents are educators, whether or not they work
in conjunction with their child's professional educators. Indeed, some
parents extend this intuitive involvement by formally becoming ‘home
educators’. Anna Craft writes:
most parents choose to educate their children in pre-school settings
and schools, a growing minority worldwide choose home education as an
alternative. In the late 1990s it was estimated that 25,000 families
and 50,000 children were home educated in the UK (Meighan, 1997).
However, accurate figures are extremely difficult to obtain, and
according to the Home Education Advisory Service in August 2001,
estimates of home-educated children vary from between 10,000 and
150,000 in the UK. Some children never begin in formal settings at all,
and others are withdrawn later. Thomas (1998) suggests there are a
variety of reasons why parents choose home education. These include:
hearing about home education and meeting others who are doing it;
feeling dissatisfied with what formal settings have on offer; seeing
home education as a natural continuation of home life and learning;
children's dislike of a formal setting, particularly if bullying is
虽然大多数家长选择让学前机构和学校教育他们的孩子,全世界越来越多的人选择家庭教育作为替代办法。在九十年代后期,在英国估计有两万五千家庭和五千儿童受到家庭教育(Meighan, 1997)。然而,极难获得精确数字,基于家庭教育咨询服务二零零一年八月数据,估计在英国受到家庭教育的儿童从一万到十五万不等。有些儿童从未收到过正规教育,其他一些则是中途退出。托马斯(1998)认为有多种原因使得家长选择家庭教育。这包括:听说家庭教育并接触到其他实施者;对正规教育机构所提供的教育感到不满;看到家庭教育是家庭生活和学习的自然延续;儿童不喜欢正规教育机构,特别是受到欺负之后。
1: Practitioner – parent partnerships
Parents give ‘background’ support to practitioners
parents take on an educating role – through their own initiative, or
perhaps through their liaison with practitioners and teachers. They
provide specific support within families for the learning that children
do when they are away from the home environment. In this way, parents
can be seen as ‘outreach’ assistants to early years settings and
The government has given
active encouragement to this background role at all stages of a child's
education, and has provided much in the way of ideas and resources for
parents. The government's ‘Parents’ Gateway' site (DfES, 2002) informs
parents about education provision, the structure of the education
system, the content of the Foundation Stage and the National
Curriculum, school tests, the latest government reforms, and how
parents can best help their children to learn.
政府积极鼓励儿童教育各个阶段的这种背景作用,并为家长提供了大量相关思路和资源。政府的“家长门户”网站(DfES, 2002)告知家长有关教育规定、教育体制的结构、基础阶段的内容以及国家课程、学校测试、最新的政府改革,以及家长怎么做才能最好的帮助孩子学习。
Recently in Scotland, parents have been hearing about the ‘Home Reading Initiative’ (Scottish Executive, 2002). This includes:
最近在苏格兰,家长们了解到有关“家庭阅读倡议”(Scottish Executive, 2002)。这包括:
a leaflet for parents, which gives guidance to parents of children aged
0–8 on the benefits of home reading and offers details of recommended
techniques to make reading a more valuable experience;- 一张给家长的传单,为零到八岁孩子的家长提供家庭阅读的好处的指导,并为令阅读成为更有价值的体验提供详细的技术建议;
- an advertising campaign started in
November 2002, which aims to raise the profile of home reading and
encourage parents to become involved; - 一向开始于零二年十一月的宣传活动,旨在提升家庭阅读的人气并鼓励家长参与;
the appointment of ‘reading champions’ to encourage parents, carers and children to develop skills in reading at home;- 为鼓励家长、保姆和儿童发展在家阅读的技能,设立“阅读冠军”;
a website with further information for parents and ideas on how to
develop local projects to support home reading (launched early 2003);- 一个网站,为家长提供更翔实的信息,以及为支持家庭阅读如何发展地方项目的思路(2003年初开始启动);
a small grants scheme, which will make £300,000 available to support small local projects such as book sharing clubs;- 一项小额补助计划,将准备三十万英镑支持地方小型项目,比如书籍分享俱乐部;
a home-reading coordinator responsible for taking the initiative forward.- 一位家庭阅读协调者,负责推动这项行动前进。
government initiatives are very significant in terms of generating
parental interest and supporting parental involvement in their
children's learning and education. The resources enable parents to be
less dependent on early years and school settings to provide this form
of information and encouragement.
1: Practitioner – parent partnerships
Many parents work alongside practitioners
can provide invaluable support to children within an early education
setting – offering occasional help when practitioners request it, or
working as regular volunteers or maybe as paid assistants. Playgroups
rely on this type of parental involvement. Indeed, many early years
settings welcome such involvement, not just on the premises but also
when children are taken on outings.
Activity 1: Why work with parents?
You should allow 0 hour(s), 30 minute(s).
a look at the table here: you will see nine statements on why
practitioners should work with parents. Rank them in order of
importance, starting with the most important. We suggest you do this
activity with someone at home, a neighbour, a colleague at work, or a
parent. Alternatively, you may like to arrange them in a diamond
ranking order as Figure 3 does:
Time out Some parents have extreme difficulties: emotional, social and financial. Providing facilities for parents gives them time to relax and meet others while their children are looked after by trained staff. | Practical Skills Some parents lack the basic practical skills of childcare. Inviting them to stay gives them a chance to learn from staff and other parents about, for instance, feeling, changing, hygiene and sleep. | Knowledge of children Parents have the most knowledge and understanding of their own children. If they are available to share it, staff can make use of this knowledge in providing better care for children. |
Self-esteem Some parents lack self-esteem. By spending time with parents and encouraging the development of personal skills. staff can give them a sense of self-worth, and a feeling of confidence in their own abilities to look after children. | Consumer rights Parents pay for pre-school provision either directly or through rates and taxes. As consumers they should be involved in how these services are run. | Partnership Pre-school services are community facilities that should be responsive to the needs of those who use them. Staff and parents have opportunities to develop informal, relaxed relationships, which make it easier for parents to articulate their needs. |
Mutual support People often derive the most meaningful support from those who have similar problems. Opportunities should be available for parents to meet so they can share feelings, values, and difficulties, and support each other through their difficulties. | Extra pair of hands There are several tasks associated with the care of children that don't require particular training or expertise: cutting up bits for artwork, washing toys, making doll's clothes, preparing drinks. Parents should be encouraged to do such tasks, so that trained staff can provide services requiring different skills. | Improving understanding Some parents lack an understanding of children's need for stimulation. Parents should be encouraged to participate with the children. This will enhance their understanding of the value of play. |
缓冲时间 某些家长有着非常大的困难:情绪、交际以及经济上的。如果机构在孩子们受到训练有素的员工的照料的时候,为家长提供时间放松,以及接触其他家长。 | 实践技能 某些家长缺乏照顾孩子的基本的技能。邀请他们留下来,给他们一个机会向员工和其他家长学习有关,比如,感受、换尿布、卫生以及睡觉的知识。 | 幼儿知识 家长们最了解自己的子女。如果他们能够分享这些知识,员工就可以利用这些知识为其子女提供更好的服务。 |
自尊 某些家长缺乏自尊。通过花时间与家长在一起,并鼓励培养个人技能,员工可以令他们找到自我价值,在照顾儿童方面获得自信。 | 消费者权利 家长或直接或间接用税收付钱给学前机构。作为消费者,他们应当参与到这些服务如何运作当中。 | 伙伴关系 学前服务属于公共设施,应当满足使用者的需求。员工和家长有机会发展非正式的灵活的关系,这样可以让家长更容易的说清他们的需求。 |
相互支持 人们往往从那些有着类似问题的人那里寻求最大支持。家长们可以相互聚会,这样他们可以分享感受、价值观和困难,在经历困难的时候相互扶持。 | 额外的一双手 这里有集中于照顾孩子有关的工作,不需要特殊训练或经验:在艺术表演的时候打下手;洗玩具、为玩偶做衣服,准备饮料。应该鼓励家长做这些任务,这样,训练有素的员工就可以提供那些需要不同技能的服务。 | 提高认识 某些家长缺乏对儿童需求刺激的认识。应该鼓励家长们与子女玩在一起。这将增强他们对游戏的价值的认识。 |
Figure 2 Table showing nine reasons practitioners work with parents
图二 显示从业者需要与家长合作的九条理由
the statements in this way demonstrates how some may be seen as equal
in importance. It can also promote increased discussion about their
relative significance.
Now read the discussion
statements illustrate the many potential benefits of collaboration.
They also provide insights into the (assumed) needs of parents. Most of
the statements relate to the benefits that partnership offers to
parents. However, it is also important to remember the potential
benefits for practitioners. They are better informed through listening
to parents and taking account of their personal understandings of
children – for example, the ‘Knowledge of children’ statement.
Practitioners may also be supported by parents in significant practical
ways (as the ‘Extra pair of hands’ statement suggests).
2 Partnership issues for practitioners
Perspectives and challenges
we have suggested, parents and practitioners may have different
perspectives on partnership, and this raises important issues for
practitioners when seeking to involve parents in their work with
children. This section highlights five particular issues, or
‘challenges’, for practitioners to consider prior to developing
partnerships with parents.
These are:
recognizing that parents are individuals- 成人家长是独立个体
understanding why some parents decide not to become partners- 理解为什么有些家长决定不合作
working with 'challenging' parents- 与富有挑战的家长合作
- appreciating that parents are both men and women
- 明白家长男女都有
- acknowledging family structures.
- 承认家庭结构带来的好处。
2 Partnership issues for practitioners
Recognizing that parents are individuals
as practitioners regard children as individuals, so it should be with
their parents. However, because most parents are more distanced from
practitioners' immediate professional lives than children, we tend to
hear generalized statements referring to the whole parent body: ‘The
parents are supportive’; ‘The parents can be difficult’; ‘The parents
are not good at fundraising’.
Vincent (1996) examined home-school relations in a small number of
inner-city schools and devised a four-way classification of parental
positions vis-a-vis practitioners. She identified four ‘types’ of
Detached parents,
who prefer practitioners to take full responsibility and to get on with
the job. These parents decide to trust in the training, professionalism
and skills of the practitioner. Their position is not an indication of
disinterest, although practitioners may see it in this way.
Independent parents,
who would like close involvement but lack confidence to instigate this,
or who feel the terms offered by practitioners are not attractive.
These parents may provide support for their children's learning away
from the setting. Their support is therefore not visible to
practitioners, who may see these parents as disinterested.
Supportive parents,
who readily engage with the invitations and suggestions of
practitioners. There is much overlap here with Sharpe and Green's
(1975) notion of the ‘good parent’ – in short, parents who do what
practitioners suggest.
Irresponsible parents,
who appear unsupportive of practitioners or their children's learning.
Indeed, in extreme cases their attitude may appear to be
Activity 2: Parents in your setting
You should allow 0 hour(s), 20 minute(s).
into account the above typology, think about the parents of children in
your setting. Does this four-way classification help you to understand
the parents you come into contact with? Jot down your thoughts in your
Now read the discussion
classifications can sometimes support or refine our thinking, but they
can also serve to reduce and under-represent reality. Perhaps you feel
you don't know enough about the parents' lives and feelings to be able
to categorize them in this way.
we have said, a major difficulty for many practitioners concerns their
limited contact with most parents. Practitioners spend a lot of time
with children but very little time with parents, unless the parents are
involved in a setting as a volunteer or paid employee, or they are the
practitioners (as in a playgroup). It's easy, therefore, in the absence
of detailed knowledge, for assumptions to be made, which give rise to
inaccurate stereotypes about parents. Indeed, ignorance and lack of
understanding tend to be at the root of bias and prejudice.
2 Partnership issues for practitioners
Understanding why some parents decide not to be partners
Vincent's ‘detached’ and ‘independent’ parents remind us that when
practitioners set up parent partnerships they need to be mindful of the
reasons why some parents choose not to be involved in ways that are
In terms of parental
involvement, it can be argued that a professional approach would
involve practitioners developing this ‘mindfulness’ and taking a major
responsibility for ‘making things work’. This might include sensitively
formulating what is envisaged for the partnership, and listening to
parents' views, reactions and wishes. Practitioners both in early years
settings and primary schools often make comments such as: ‘You never
see the parents you really want to see.’
might lie behind the appearance of parents' lack of engagement with
practitioners? Melian Mansfield of the Campaign for the Advance of
State Education (CASE) recently met with a group of parents to try to
address this question. The group came up with the following 25 reasons
why parents might not be able to attend an early years setting when
Heavy and demanding work commitments- 沉重而艰巨的工作负担
Family pressures- 家庭压力
Childcare difficulties- 育儿困难
Cost of transport- 交通成本
Lack of confidence at speaking English- 缺乏讲英语的信心
Fear of teachers and schools- 害怕教师和学校
Unsure about the reason for an invitation- 不确定收到邀请的原因
Letter of invitation not getting home- 没有收到邀请函
Not able to read the written language of the letter- 无法阅读信中所用语言
Language of the letter is ‘formal’ and unfriendly- 信中的语言正式而不友好
Insufficient notice of the meeting- 会议通知没有说清楚
Not knowing anyone who will be there- 不认识参加聚会的其他人
Unsure about going out alone after dark- 不愿意天黑之后独自出门
Dislike of formal meetings- 不喜欢正式会议
Fear of being asked to do something- 害怕被要求做某些事情
Fear of an unwelcoming atmosphere- 害怕遇到尴尬气氛
Worried about what might be said concerning a child- 焦虑会谈及自己孩子
Fear of being held responsible for a child's lack of progress or disruptive behaviour- 害怕因为孩子缺乏进步或破坏行为而承担责任
Low self-esteem, lack of confidence- 自卑,缺乏自信
Fear of being judged- 害怕被评判
Not wanting to speak in public- 不愿在公共场合说话
Previous commitments- 以前做出的承诺
No faith in the school's ability to solve a problem- 不相信学校有解决问题的能力
Expecting that there will be no answer to particular problems- 不指望能够解决任何具体问题
Time limitations because of work and family- 因为工作或家庭的原因,没有时间
2 Partnership issues for practitioners
Working with ‘challenging’ parents
Jennifer Chambers, a childminder, has noted that:
establishing a working contract with parents can be difficult,
especially with the few who sometimes take advantage of me–for example,
in the slow payment of fees or in their casual approach to dropping off
and picking up their children.
her account, Jennifer doesn't elaborate on the challenges that she has
encountered. Her experience, over sixteen years of being a childminder,
is that she is able to work well with most parents, and only a few can
be considered ‘challenging’.
reports from a number of teacher-professional associations suggest that
there has been an increase in disrespectful and aggressive behaviour
from parents. According to Wallace (2002, p. 10), triggers for problems
might be:
然而,来自一些教师专业协会的报告显示,来自家长的失礼和攻击行为越来越多。据华莱士(2002, p. 10)报告,问题的原因可能有:
money – particularly requests that parents pay nursery fees;- 钱——尤其是要求家长支付育儿费的时候;
children's behaviour – particularly when parents react strongly to practitioner concerns and complaints;- 儿童的行为——尤其是当家长对于从业者的关注和抱怨反应强烈时;
increased inclusion of children with special educational needs (which
has put pressure on parents and practitioners because policy has not
been matched by support);- 增加需要特殊教育的孩子(这受到家长和从业者的压力,因为政策并没有得到相应支持);
parents' negative feelings towards authority figures.- 家长面对权威数据时候的消极情感
potential problems require considerable skills and time for
practitioners, who unfortunately are not always trained to deal with
the needs of parents. In settings where parents' needs have to be dealt
with frequently, difficulties can be minimized when there is a
comprehensive and imaginative approach to consulting and working with
parents, which may include ongoing opportunities for ‘dialogue’. People
who know each other well are less likely to resort to rudeness or
aggression to solve their disagreements.
Morrissey of the National Confederation of Parent Teacher Associations
brings reason and proportion to this whole debate when she says:
vast majority of parents – 95 per cent – are extremely supportive. As
for the percentage who are not, they may not be interested, or too
stressed or too busy. We look at what we can do to help them, rather
than blaming them.
2 Partnership issues for practitioners
Parents are both women and men
gender-neutral term ‘parents’ is rightly inclusive of both mothers and
fathers. It does, however, mask the fact that women mainly take the
lead in childcare and interact with early years and primary settings.
In the call to raise standards, there have been growing expectations
that parents should actively support children's early and school
Rosalind Coward expresses
concern about the impact that this could have on mothers. Women, she
suggests, take the major responsibility for children's care. Many do
voluntary and paid work in the public sector, including early years
settings, and many follow practitioners' suggestions with regard to
supporting children's learning at home (Coward, 1993). It is therefore
not difficult to see why some mothers may feel hard-pressed, if not
angry, about the weight of these involvements and expectations.
Walkerdine and Lucey (1989) fear that children and mothers are being
put on a pedagogic treadmill. In all early years settings there will be
parents who feel under pressure from work, domestic responsibilities
and life more generally. Invitations to become more involved in a
child's early education could result in protest or even an angry
若萨琳·科沃德·表示关注对母亲可能的影响。他表示,女性在照顾小孩子当中承担主要职责。许多人在包括早期教育机构在内的公众部门担任志愿者或者付费工作,许多人听从从业者的建议,支持儿童在家中的学习(Coward, 1993)。因此不难看到有些母亲对于这种介入和期望的程度,要不生气,为什么感觉很艰难。沃克丁和鲁西(1989)担心儿童和母亲的教学活动正变得单调乏味。在所有早期教育机构当中,家长们将会感觉到工作压力、家庭责任和生活更为普通。邀请更多参与到孩子的早期教育当中,可能会导致抗议,甚至爆发愤怒。
In recent times, there is
reason to think that men have become more involved in childcare – both
as fathers taking responsibility for children at home, and also as
parents maintaining contact with early years settings. However, as
suggested above, women mainly do this work. This leads Penn and McQuail
to regard childcare as ‘a deeply gendered field’ (1997, p. 39). We only
have to observe young children being taken to and collected from an
early years setting to see that, to a considerable extent, the
long-established division of labour between men and women still exists
in most families.
近年来,有理由相信越来越多男性参与到照顾小孩当中——不光是在家里承担起父亲的责任,也是作为家长保持与早期教育机构的联系。然而,如上文所言,依然主要是女性在做这项工作。这使得裴恩和麦奎尔将儿童护理看作一项“高度女性化的领域”(1997, p. 39)。我们只需要观察早期教育机构中的小孩子就能看到,在无法忽略的范围内,男女之间长期存在的劳动分工依然存在于绝大多数家庭。
There is a sense,
however, in which many fathers are ‘hidden’ parents. Fathers may often
be involved at a distance. They may intuitively support their
children's learning at home, and communicate their feelings and wishes
through their partners. Nevertheless, it seems that parental
partnership in children's early education is largely something that
happens between women (as practitioners) and women (as parents).
this imbalance, some early years settings have taken steps to encourage
a more equal sharing of family responsibilities between men and women.
For instance, Ghedini et al. (1995) write of a cross-national
project between the Pen Green Centre in Corby, England, and the
Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy. The project explored gender
roles within families and early years settings, and set about
encouraging increased participation of fathers in the care of their
children. At Pen Green, for example, the centre's environment was made
more ‘men friendly’ by:
displaying photos of fathers with their children;- 展示父亲与其子女的相片;
preparing a video to help examine how staff greet mothers and fathers;- 准备一段视频,帮助工作人员探讨如何迎接父亲母亲;
visiting fathers in their own homes, discussing their involvement and how they would like to use the centre;- 家访父亲,讨论他们的参与以及他们打算如何利用中心;
writing specifically to fathers, and inviting them to attend meetings and events;- 专门给父亲们写信,邀请他们出席会议与活动;
establishing a men's group led by a male centre worker;- 建立一个由中心的男性工作人员领导的男性团体;
advertising specifically for male workers.- 专门为中心的男性工作人员做广告。
Activity 3: Enabling fathers to participate
You should allow 0 hour(s), 20 minute(s).
the extent to which fathers are involved in the care and education that
you provide for children. Do you feel there is room for more
involvement? If so, what practical steps might you take to encourage
greater participation? Write down your thoughts in your notebook.
Now read the discussion
is desirable that early years practitioners take steps to increase
fathers' involvement in services for young children. However, it is
important to have an awareness of the possible difficulties that can be
encountered. Despite a growing practitioner interest in more equal
responsibilities between men and women, the prevailing attitudes and
expectations of society continue to assume that women are the primary
carers for children. Indeed, women themselves can play a part in
reinforcing this. For instance, Ghedhini et al. (1995) found
that some women preferred a ‘male-free’ setting, as they felt
threatened by men working alongside them and worried that they might
just be seeking management positions. And Penn and McQuail (1997) found
that some women actually supported the gender stereotypes underpinning
childcare in the home and the workplace – for instance, caring for
children was fundamentally ‘natural’ for women and ‘unnatural’ for men.
Practitioners who seek to influence, and perhaps change, established
family gender responsibilities in the areas of childcare and parental
contact with early years settings will need to proceed sensitively.
2 Partnership issues for practitioners
Acknowledging family structures
family structures impact on partnership practice, and practitioners
need a good knowledge of the many forms that families can take. It's
important not to make the assumption that most children live with a
mother and a father who are married. Tassoni (2002) summarizes the main
kinds of family arrangements that provide care for children:
In a ‘nuclear family’, mother and father live together with their
children but separately from other family members. They may be married
or ‘co-habiting’.- 在“核心家庭”,父母与其子女生活在一起,但是没有其他家庭成员。他们可能结婚,抑或同居。
In a ‘homosexual family’, a homosexual couple takes care of children. They may be gay or lesbian.- 在“同性恋家庭”,一对同性恋配偶照顾孩子。他们可能是男同性恋,抑或女同性恋。
In a ‘reconstituted family’, children live with one natural parent and
a step-parent. Families may also include step-sisters and brothers
and/or half-sisters and brothers.- 在“再婚家庭”,孩子与一位生身家长和一位后继家长生活在一起。家庭中也可能包括后继兄弟姐妹,以及半血缘兄弟姐妹。
In an ‘adoptive family’, children may live with adopted or foster parents.- 在“收养家庭”,孩子与收养或寄养家长生活在一起。
In a ‘communal family’, children may live with their parents in
communes where other members are also involved in the childcare.- 在“公社家庭”,子女及其家长生活在一个公社当中,其他公社成员也参与到照顾孩子当中。
- In a ‘nomadic family’, parents do
not have a permanent home, and travel from place to place with their
children – traveller families, for example. - 在“流浪家庭”,家长没有固定的居所,带着孩子不断迁徙,比如旅行家庭。
- In a ‘lone-parent family’, a single
parent takes care of children, either through choice or for other
reasons. This may be, for instance, because of divorce or separation,
or the death of a partner. - 在“单亲家庭”,因为选择或者其他原因,只有一位家长照顾孩子。例如,可能因为离婚或分居,或者一方的死亡。
In an ‘extended family’, family members live together and share the care of children.- 在“大家庭”,家庭成员生活在一起,共同照顾孩子。
(Adapted from Tassoni, 2000, p. 272.)
(摘自塔索尼,2000, p. 272.)
all early years settings there are children who come from a number of
these family arrangements. It is important for practitioners to see
each of these arrangements as potentially very supportive of the needs
of both adults and children, and crucial that they do not make
assumptions about the nature of families when setting up partnerships
with parents. Jane Ribbens believes families to be ‘private and
intimately defined’ structures (Ribbens, 2000): the extent to which
practitioners have knowledge of children's family arrangements will
depend on what children and their parents or carers feel they want to
disclose. Clearly, this is an area that requires considerable tact from
在所有早期教育机构当中,都有孩子来自这些类型家庭。从业者看清这些结构非常重要,因为这对满足家长及儿童两方的需求都有非常重大的潜在意义,关键的是,在他们建立与家长的伙伴关系时,并不假设这是个普通家庭。简·瑞本思相信家庭是“被定义为私人的、亲密的”结构(Ribbens, 2000):从业者对儿童家庭结构的了解程度,取决于儿童及其家长或保姆想披露多少。显然,这需要从业者足够老练。
3 Partnership in practice
Parent – practitioner relationships
this section we focus specifically on parental involvement practice and
look at the following four expressions of partnership:
parents following practitioner suggestions;- 家长听从从业者的建议;
practitioners providing courses for parents;- 从业者为家长提供课程;
parents and practitioners supporting each other;- 家长与从业者相互支持;
parents taking the lead with practitioner support.- 家长带头,从业者在背后支持。
different expressions illustrate the many possible forms that
partnership can take. Each way can be seen as important in terms of
interpreting and developing partnership practice.
3 Partnership in practice
Parents following practitioner suggestions
great deal of partnership involves parents responding to practitioners'
ideas. This often involves the recommendation of specific activities
that can be carried out within children's homes and communities to
support the work of an early education setting. For instance:
drawing and painting;- 绘画;
playing games;- 玩游戏;
encouraging free and exploratory play;- 鼓励自由探索性质的活动;
singing songs and making music;- 唱歌、制作音乐;
going on outings;- 外出郊游;
looking at and reading story books;- 看书、阅读;
playing with letters and numbers;- 玩文字数字游戏;
cooking.- 烹饪。
1998 the Basic Skills Agency (BSA) made available to Local Education
Authorities (LEAs) in England and Wales multiple copies of a magazine
called Count and Figure it out Together. The magazine was aimed
at children aged 3–5 and their parents, and contained ideas for
supporting children's mathematical development at home. There were
suggestions with regard to playing games, learning counting songs, and
promoting mathematical language. Many early years settings distributed
these, and there was reason to think that parents and children found
them helpful.
3 Partnership in practice
Adventure Ted
novel ideas are used to stimulate parent–practitioner partnership.
Caroline Struthers runs a home–school partnership project in South
Lanarkshire. She uses ‘Adventure Ted’ to stimulate a range of home
activities, which are both supportive and extending of the learning
that children do in nursery and Primary One (reception) classes.
In the following case study, Caroline outlines how Ted is used.
Adventure Ted in practice
Ted is actually the name of a programme. It is facilitated by the home
– school partnership staff in South Lanarkshire, Scotland, and used to
help children develop effective communication skills – orally and also
through imaginative, personal and functional writing. Adventure Ted
comes in a rucksack containing:
Disposable camera
Alphabet sheet
Wipe board
Glue stick
Scrapbook for pictures and stories
programme typically starts off with an introduction to Ted, followed by
a story from our Adventure Ted storybook and a shared discussion with
some writing about a photo of Ted. The children then have photos taken
with Ted, and each choose a picture of themselves with Ted to stick
into their scrapbooks. They draw speech bubbles coming out of Ted's
mouth and, with help from their parents, write down what he is saying.
The practitioner may also demonstrate shared writing using alphabet
cards and a dry-wipe board. ‘Here I am with Adventure Ted who is …’ and
so on. At home, parents may help their children to create their own
story, and then extend the work by asking them to read it out.
Adventure Ted spends time with Rover
is taken for a period of six to eight weeks, and the children have the
chance to take photos of him on his many adventures linked to family
life. These adventures can range from school trips, playing with
friends, visits to relatives, the local shops or the cinema. Some of
the stories have been incredible! One child, writing in her storybook,
told us that Rover the dog had bitten Ted one night. Another child let
us know how Ted had helped him with his homework.
Adventure Ted review session starts off with informal discussion with
parents over tea and biscuits. You know when you have created the right
kind of climate when parents relax and tell you things. For instance,
one mother said: ‘Bridie can now explain her stories better and uses a
lot more words. In fact she never stops talking!’
photos the children have taken with Ted are displayed in the school and
discussed and shared with others. At the end of the programme, children
and parents are invited to attend a teddy bears' picnic and are
presented with certificates in recognition of the work they have
Adventure Ted
provides an example of how a practical idea can bring parents, children
and practitioners together in a very meaningful way. The programme
provides a bridge between the respective contexts of home and school in
a way that is highly desirable for the continuity of children's
3 Partnership in practice
is another innovative ‘practitioner to parent’ partnership idea that
has been running since the 1990s. There are now Bookstart schemes
operating throughout the UK. They usually include an LEA, a library
service and a health authority working together in partnership. A free
Bookstart pack is given to parents at the time of a baby's 7–9 month
developmental check. The pack typically contains two baby books, advice
and information leaflets, and an invitation to join the local library.
schemes promote the idea that there is much of value when parents share
books with babies, interact and talk with them, and attend to their
responses. The University of Birmingham School of Education evaluated
the pilot Bookstart schemes. The researchers indicated a substantial
increase in babies’ awareness of books, in the sharing of books, in
enrolment of babies in libraries, in the use of book clubs, and in the
general use of books in homes. Their follow-up studies found that
children who had been involved with Bookstart as babies did
particularly well at school learning, as assessed by baseline measures
(Wade and Moore, 1998, 2000).
阅读起步走计划推进这样一个理念,即家长与子女一起阅读、互动及交谈,并专注于他们的反应,能带来诸多益处。伯明翰大学教育学院对试点阅读起步走计划作出评估。研究者指出,在分享图书的过程中,在图书馆里,在图书俱乐部,以及在家里使用图书的时候,幼儿对图书的注意力有明显增加。其后继研究发现,婴幼儿期参与到阅读起步走的儿童,在学校学习的基准评估中表现特别优秀(Wade 与 Moore, 1998, 2000)。
Books that have proved popular with babies include:
Baby Knows Best (Henderson, 2001)
Hat off, Baby! (Ormerod, 2002)
Naughty Puppy (Campbell, 2002)
Say Goodnight (Oxenbury, 1998)
Tickle, Tickle (Oxenbury, 1987)
Ting-a-ling! (Dodds, 1999)
《宝宝最熟悉的》(Henderson, 2001)《宝宝,脱下帽子!》(Ormerod, 2002)《淘气狗狗》(Campbell, 2002)《说晚安》(Oxenbury, 1998)《痒痒》(Oxenbury, 1987)《叮铃》(Dodds, 1999)
(1996) has identified two key experiences in children's lives that can
help them to become readers: first, that they have a favourite book by
the age of three; and second, that they become members of a library.
Bookstart does much that enables this to happen.
some areas, Bookstart and Sure Start are working together. Sure Start
aims to improve the health and well-being of families and children
(before and from birth) so that children are ready to flourish when
they go to school.
Rosemary Clarke,
National Coordinator for Bookstart, explains the links with Sure Start,
and highlights future developments for Bookstart:
major difference between Sure Start and the national Bookstart
programme is that Bookstart intends to reach every baby in the UK. Sure
Start is targeted towards designated areas of social need. However,
Bookstart schemes are working very effectively in partnership with Sure
Start areas. There is a considerable amount of Bookstart outreach work
in Sure Start areas, and the schemes have often built on the success of
the first Bookstart pack for eight month olds by providing a further
Bookstart Plus pack for children aged eighteen months. Sure Start has
recognized that often more than one intervention is needed if the
Bookstart message is to be taken on by parents.
new Bookstart Plus pack was launched in autumn 2002, and is available
from Booktrust, the charity that administers Bookstart. It was followed
by a My Bookstart Bag for three year olds in autumn 2003. Due to
funding constraints, only the Bookstart pack for children aged eight
months is available to every UK child at the moment. However, Sure
Start areas may decide to provide their children with the advantage of
the two extra Bookstart gifts, such as Bookstart Plus and My Bookstart
Parents who are not
familiar with Bookstart can make contact with their health visitor,
nursery nurse or local library to find out more about local schemes.
Parents who live in areas where there are no schemes can receive a free
‘mini’ Bookstart pack from Booktrust.
Activity 4: Making suggestions
You should allow 0 hour(s), 20 minute(s).
kinds of suggestions do you make to parents about how they can support
their children's development and learning at home? Make a note of some
of these in your notebook.
Now read the discussion
suggestions is potentially an important way to develop a partnership.
It can help to harmonize the respective approaches of practitioners and
parents, and to increase opportunities for desirable learning within
It is important, however, for
practitioners to realize that some of their suggestions may be
practised already in children's homes. Many parents instinctively do
things with children that are of potential benefit to their learning.
Much of this is not visible to practitioners because it takes place
within the stream of family, community and religious life. Noticing
this in the 1980s, Sharpe (1980) referred to the ‘hidden hand of home’.
need to feel they can openly discuss their ideas for supporting
children's learning without the risk of correction. To enable parents
to discuss their ideas in this way, practitioners must be sensitive to
parents' feelings and use considerable interpersonal skills.
3 Partnership in practice
Practitioners providing courses for parents
well-known way of increasing goodwill, understanding, and a sense of
partnership between practitioners and parents is through the provision
of courses and workshops. These can take many forms, but essentially
they involve inviting parents to a setting to:
give them information;- 给予他们信息;
support their understanding of what their children experience in the setting;- 帮助他们了解其子女在机构中的体验;
enable them to give information about their children;- 允许他们提供自己子女的信息;
help them to be more effective supporters of their children's learning;- 帮助他们成为子女学习的更有效支持者;
help them to feel confident about approaching practitioners with queries and suggestions.- 帮助他们有信心带着疑问与建议接近从业者。
Sheila Karran article
Article on the role of the bilingual education assistant in working with parents with little confidence.
View document about Sheila Karran article
Activity 5: Increasing parents' confidence
You should allow 1 hour(s), 20 minute(s).
In Article 1 (above), Sheila Karran provides examples of three types of parent courses:
a ‘Parents and learning’ course for Sylheti-speaking parents with children in nursery and reception classes;- 一个为幼儿园和学前班儿童及其锡莱特语家长开设的“家长与学习”课程;
an arrangement whereby Mirpuri-speaking parents and grandparents are
invited into a nursery to participate in children's activities;- 安排米尔布尔语家长以及爷爷奶奶到幼儿园参加儿童的活动;
family learning sessions in a nursery, which involve parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents and younger siblings.- 幼儿园的家庭学习活动,其中包括家长、叔叔阿姨、祖父母和弟弟妹妹。
read Karran's article, taking particular note of the role of the
bilingual assistant, and the benefits – for parents, children and
practitioners – that stem from the initiatives described. Make notes in
your notebook.
Now read the discussion
assistants play an essential ‘intermediary’ role in terms of linking
with parents and helping them feel sufficiently confident to attend
courses and to enter an early years setting. In the examples described,
the bilingual assistants are mainly paid employees. However, in
settings where there are no such posts to provide support, volunteer
bilingual parents may sometimes be recruited.
The chapter highlights some important benefits of running parent groups. You may, for instance, have noted the following:
are able to benefit from an increase in their personal confidence. They
can feel more able to support their children's learning, and to be more
comfortable about visiting and spending time in their children's
setting. Parents also stand to gain from having their learning
accredited. This might lead to employment within an early years
setting, for example, or the decision to enrol for a course at an adult
education college. Providing support for parents from minority ethnic
communities who lack confidence in speaking English may help them to
feel less isolated and, importantly, may foster race relations. An
issue raised by Karran's chapter, however, is the need to make sure
that all parents - from both majority and minority ethnic groups – feel
they are equally valued and provided for.
can gain much from practitioner – parent contact. This includes the
increased ability of their parents to help them, the knowledge that
significant adults in their life want to work together and understand
each other's views, and the way in which home and setting are brought
together with the potential of influencing and learning from each other.
Practitioners are put in touch with parents' understandings and skills, and their attitudes to education. Table 1
in the chapter, for instance, is revealing of some cultural differences
with regard to education practices. There is a need for dialogue to
establish a common approach, or children could be confused.
Practitioners may feel more supported and appreciated if parents become
more informed about the work and aims of an early years setting.
从业者因为家长的理解和技能、及其对待教育的态度而与家长相识。比如,本章表一 揭示了在对待教育实践方面某些文化上的差异。这需要通过对话来产生一个共同的方法,否则儿童会产生困惑。如果家长更加了解早教机构的工作和宗旨,从业者会感受到更多支持和感激。
3 Partnership in practice
Parents and practitioners supporting each other
the beginning of Section 1 of this unit we gave a definition of
partnership, which included the idea that it is ‘a joint business’. We
next consider a partnership initiative in which parents and
practitioners act both jointly and interdependently.
Hancock and Cox article
Article on parents and children under three at Tate Britain, London
View document
about Hancock and Cox article
Activity 6: Combining expertise
You should allow 1 hour(s), 20 minute(s).
read Article 2 (above). As you read, consider the ways in which parents
and practitioners work together to enable very young children to be in
a public gallery and learn from the experience.
Now read the discussion
public galleries nowadays are open to a range of audiences, including
children, it is still not common to find programmes specifically aimed
at under threes. Meeting the needs of very young children in a
prominent public gallery could be seen as a ‘risky’ thing to do.
as you read in the chapter, the inclusion of parents as partners can
greatly reduce such risks, and actually increase the impact of the
workshops for the children. The workshop leaders were well qualified to
provide learning experiences, both for children and parents. This
combination of practitioners' professional knowledge and parents'
understanding of the needs of their children was a very powerful mix of
Maybe you create
opportunities in your own setting for parents to make such a
contribution to your work with the children. Or perhaps you can
envisage how you might encourage this form of ‘interdependent’
3 Partnership in practice
Parents taking the lead with practitioner support
are some situations in which parents become leaders in ways that are
not typical, even in early years settings. Footprints, for example, is
a parent-run breastfeeding support project that arose out of Sure
Start. In the case study below, Emma Yates, a researcher, explains the
purpose of Footprints.
Footprints: a breastfeeding project
is a drop-in group on a Wednesday morning. Its main aim is to provide
breastfeeding support for mums with babies, but much else happens as
well. The group was set up by Sally Jeffs, Amanda Fellgate and Samantha
Brace, who are all mums with small babies. They had each experienced
problems with breastfeeding, and felt they would like to offer support
to others in a similar position. The group has now been running very
successfully for a year, and is entirely run by mums, with professional
support given by a Sure Start health visitor when needed. Sally, Amanda
and Samatha are visiting new mums in hospitals, where they offer
information and advice at their bedside.
Sally originally went to Sure Start and suggested the idea of
Footprints, she was provided with support and the means to get started.
She managed to locate the premises in which to hold the group, and was
able to liaise with health visitors and midwives. A teenage worker and
a play worker also helped by distributing information packs to parents.
In addition, Sally was given office support for photocopying, printing
and telephoning. As she says, ‘Sure Start offered encouragement and
support throughout – not just financial. When we went through a rough
patch they helped us to keep the group going by their ongoing support.’
Sure Start is also paying for the group's first birthday party.
the major focus is breastfeeding, there are clear educational
spin-offs, both for children and parents. As Sally explains: ‘We were
using the toys in the Salvation Army premises and they were very old
and a bit unhygienic, to be honest. We thought, would we let our own
children play with them? The answer was clearly “no”. We managed to
obtain a grant of £350 for new toys, equipment and books. We chose the
toys according to the early years points of learning. The emphasis was
on “enhancing toys” for babies, but for older siblings we bought a
tower with different platforms, Noah's Ark, tents, tunnels and books.
We blocked off one half of the room for the older children to play.’
The atmosphere during a normal group session is relaxed, and relates to
the feeling of a creche or a playgroup. Young babies are clearly
stimulated by the sights and sounds, and siblings get much from being
with and playing with each other.
three parents have undergone a ten-week training course to ensure they
have the skills to offer the best support for a particular situation.
The training provides insights into nutrition and breast health. There
is recognition that every mum is different, and that some may prefer to
share breastfeeding difficulties with another experienced mum rather
than go to a clinic or talk to a health visitor. Sure Start has given
the group a commitment to ongoing training, to make sure that mums are
provided with up-to-date support. Sally has done various other courses
through Sure Start. These include ‘Breastfeeding for Special Care
Babies’, ‘Child Behaviour Management Volunteer Training’, ‘United
Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Baby Friendly Intensive’, and
‘Nutrition’. She is also about to start the National Childbirth Trust's
(NCT) ‘Breastfeeding Councillor's Course’.
Activity 7: Parents supporting parents
You should allow 0 hour(s), 30 minute(s).
Footprints project gives a sense of what parents can achieve when they
are enabled and supported by professionals. Within your setting, are
there any ways in which you encourage parents to support each other? If
nothing springs to mind, consider how you might set about helping this
to happen. Write down some thoughts in your notebook.
Now read the discussion
we have said, many partnership arrangements involve parents doing what
practitioners suggest. This can have much value, but it is important to
remember that parents have the capacity to provide support and learn
from each other. In some situations, therefore, it might be best for
professionals to take a ‘back seat’ facilitator's role rather than a
more traditional leading role.
4 A framework for understanding partnership
Five dimensions to parental involvement
the years, writers have put forward models, frameworks and typologies
for understanding the theoretical and practical dimensions of
partnership. The curriculum guidance documents produced respectively
for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland each contain guidance
on how best to achieve a partnership with parents through practical
means. For instance, the Northern Ireland Council for Curriculum,
Examinations and Assessments (CCEA) stresses the importance of
supporting transition, of keeping parents fully informed, of drawing on
family expertise, and of encouraging children to take pre-school
learning home (DENI, 1997, p. 11).
多年以来,作者理解伙伴关系的理论和实践,提出了模型、框架和类型学。为英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰分别制作的课程指导文件,均包含如何通过实际手段与家长实现最好的伙伴关系。比如,北爱尔兰课程、考试与评价委员会(CCEA)强调,为使家长充分了解,利用家庭专门知识,以及鼓励儿童使用家庭学前教育,而支持过渡的重要性(DENI, 1997, p. 11)。
for practice are helpful to practitioners. However, it is also
important to have a wider sense of the scope of partnership and the
many practical ways in which it can be expressed. We have given an
indication of the nature of this scope in Section 3. Partnership
practice tends to be formulated by professionals – by policy writers,
early years specialists, educational theorists and practitioners – but
rarely by parents themselves. So it is important to have a conception
of partnership that goes beyond what professionals might feel is
appropriate; a vision that leaves some space for creative and
unexpected ideas from parents and children.
Pugh and Erica De'Ath studied 130 nurseries, early years groups and
centres. They came up with a framework to help practitioners and
parents think widely about partnership (Pugh and De'Ath, 1989). They
identified five dimensions to parental involvement shown in Table 1.
吉利安·皮尤与埃里卡·德阿斯研究了一百三十所幼儿园、早教团体和早教中心。他们提出一套框架帮助从业者和家长广泛思考伙伴关系(Pugh and De'Ath, 1989)。如表一所示,他们确定了家长介入的五个方面。
Table 1: Five dimensions to parental involvement
Type of involvement | Characteristics |
1 Non-participation | Parents are not involved in their children's learning |
Active | These parents are ‘active’ non-participants who decide not to be involved. They may be happy with what's on offer, or very busy at work, or want time away from their children (Carol Vincent called these ‘detached parents’). |
Passive | These parents are ‘passive’ non-participants who would like to be involved, but may lack the confidence to do this, or may be unhappy with the form of partnership offered (Carol Vincent called these ‘independent parents’). |
2 Support | Parents support a setting ‘from the outside’ |
These parents become involved but only when invited, e.g. by attending events or providing money for learning resources. | |
3 Participation | Parents participate in a setting ‘from within’ |
Parents as helpers | These parents help in ways such as providing assistance on outings, supporting children's learning in the setting, or running a toy library. |
Parents as learners | These parents attend workshops and parent education sessions. |
4 Partnership | Parents are involved in a working relationship with practitioners |
These parents' involvement is characterized by a shared sense of purpose and mutual respect. For example: | |
Parents have equal access to information and records; Parents share in the diagnosis and assessment of their children; Parents share in the selection of practitioners; Parents are encouraged to become practitioners. | |
5 Control | Parents determine and implement decisions |
These parents are ultimately responsible and accountable for the provision of the setting. |
接入方式 | 特征 |
1 不参与 | 家长并不涉足子女的学习 |
积极 | 这些家长属于积极不参与者,他们决定不涉足子女的学习。他们可能对机构提供的服务很满意,或者工作非常繁忙,或者想抽时间远离子女(卡罗尔·文森特称这些为“超然家长”)。 |
消极 | 这些家长属于消极不参与者,他们愿意参与,但是可能缺乏参与其中的信心,或者不喜于参与的形式。(卡罗尔·文森特称这些为“独立家长”)。 |
2 支持 | 家长被动支持教育机构 |
这些家长仅在受邀请是参与其中,比如,出席活动或者为学习资源提供资金。 | |
3 参与 | 家长主动参与到教育机构 |
家长作为帮助者 | 这些家长以某种方式帮助教育机构,比如在外出的时候提供援助,支持孩子在教育机构中的学习,或者运作一个玩具图书馆。 |
家长作为学习者 | 这些家长出席主题研究小组以及家长教育会议。 |
4 伙伴关系 | 家长与从业者建立工作关系 |
这种家长介入的特点是有一个共同的明确目标,以及相互尊重。比如: | |
家长们有相同的机会获取信息和记录;家长们分享子女的诊断与评价;家长们分享对从业者的选择;家长们相互鼓励成为从业者。 | |
5 控制 | 家长作出决定并执行决定 |
这些家长极其负责,并为教育机构负责后勤。 |
4 A framework for understanding partnership
Partnership in your setting
Activity 8
You should allow 0 hour(s), 20 minute(s).
Look again at Table 1, and consider how your relationships and initiatives with parents relate to the types that are identified:
Table 1: Five dimensions to parental involvement
Type of involvement | Characteristics |
1 Non-participation | Parents are not involved in their children's learning |
Active | These parents are ‘active’ non-participants who decide not to be involved. They may be happy with what's on offer, or very busy at work, or want time away from their children (Carol Vincent called these ‘detached parents’). |
Passive | These parents are ‘passive’ non-participants who would like to be involved, but may lack the confidence to do this, or may be unhappy with the form of partnership offered (Carol Vincent called these ‘independent parents’). |
2 Support | Parents support a setting ‘from the outside’ |
These parents become involved but only when invited, e.g. by attending events or providing money for learning resources. | |
3 Participation | Parents participate in a setting ‘from within’ |
Parents as helpers | These parents help in ways such as providing assistance on outings, supporting children's learning in the setting, or running a toy library. |
Parents as learners | These parents attend workshops and parent education sessions. |
4 Partnership | Parents are involved in a working relationship with practitioners |
These parents' involvement is characterized by a shared sense of purpose and mutual respect. For example: | |
Parents have equal access to information and records; Parents share in the diagnosis and assessment of their children; Parents share in the selection of practitioners; Parents are encouraged to become practitioners. | |
5 Control | Parents determine and implement decisions |
These parents are ultimately responsible and accountable for the provision of the setting. |
接入方式 | 特征 |
1 不参与 | 家长并不涉足子女的学习 |
积极 | 这些家长属于积极不参与者,他们决定不涉足子女的学习。他们可能对机构提供的服务很满意,或者工作非常繁忙,或者想抽时间远离子女(卡罗尔·文森特称这些为“超然家长”)。 |
消极 | 这些家长属于消极不参与者,他们愿意参与,但是可能缺乏参与其中的信心,或者不喜于参与的形式。(卡罗尔·文森特称这些为“独立家长”)。 |
2 支持 | 家长被动支持教育机构 |
这些家长仅在受邀请是参与其中,比如,出席活动或者为学习资源提供资金。 | |
3 参与 | 家长主动参与到教育机构 |
家长作为帮助者 | 这些家长以某种方式帮助教育机构,比如在外出的时候提供援助,支持孩子在教育机构中的学习,或者运作一个玩具图书馆。 |
家长作为学习者 | 这些家长出席主题研究小组以及家长教育会议。 |
4 伙伴关系 | 家长与从业者建立工作关系 |
这种家长介入的特点是有一个共同的明确目标,以及相互尊重。比如: | |
家长们有相同的机会获取信息和记录;家长们分享子女的诊断与评价;家长们分享对从业者的选择;家长们相互鼓励成为从业者。 | |
5 控制 | 家长作出决定并执行决定 |
这些家长极其负责,并为教育机构负责后勤。 |
How would you characterize the nature of parent partnership in your setting?
In what ways can your partnership with parents be defined and justified?
Do you feel your practice is sufficiently developed in this area?
Write down your answers in your notebook.
Now read the discussion
many early years settings it would not be considered appropriate to
establish a form of partnership whereby parents are equal partners in
the way that type 4 in the table defines, or for parents to assume
control, as in type 5. In defining the kinds of partnership that should
be associated with any one particular early years setting, it is
important for practitioners to have a good sense of parents' capacity
to enter into such partnerships. Practitioners also need to be
realistic about the time and resources available to them. Parents will
be disappointed if professionals make promises that they are unable to
in various settings will have strong feelings about the kinds of
partnership that are most supportive of their work. As we said earlier,
there are considerable variations in the ways in which educational
settings interpret the notion of partnership. These are both
understandable and necessary, and require complex professional
decisions to be made. The decision-making process involves a sense of
what is feasible, given the nature of a parent body, and also a sense
of what is most appropriate for children's needs.
(1994) considers partnership to be about ‘balance’, which draws
attention to the ways in which the needs, ideas and limitations of
parents, children and practitioners must be considered. However, it is
important to recognize that all forms of parental involvement and
partnership are potentially valuable. The central question that should
be asked of any partnership arrangement is: To what extent is it
directly or indirectly benefiting the children?
4 A framework for understanding partnership
this unit we have looked at the notion of parents as partners. We have
identified a cluster of reasons why partnership is considered important
– for children, parents and practitioners – and have provided examples
of ways in which it can be interpreted in practice. We have also set
out a conceptual framework to accommodate the possible range of
parental involvement and partnership practice.
involvement practice is invariably conceptualized and specified by
professionals. It is necessary, therefore, for practitioners to be open
and receptive to feedback and suggestions both from parents and
children. Some parents, for reasons that may not be apparent to
practitioners, are reluctant to become involved in their children's
care and education; others may choose not to become involved.
Practitioners need to be aware of parents' feelings, and to be cautious
about blaming them for what seems to be a lack of interest.
we have seen throughout this unit, partnership can take many forms.
Projects and special initiatives to encourage parental involvement can
be exciting and stimulating, but also short-lived and heavily dependent
on the provision of extra funds. Ultimately, partnership needs to be a
way of life that becomes embedded in the ongoing day-to-day exchanges
that take place between parents, practitioners and children.
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The content acknowledged below is Proprietary (see terms and conditions) and is used under licence.
Grateful acknowledgement is made to the following sources for permission to reproduce material within this unit:
Cover photograph: Courtesy of Sally Jeffs.
Figure on page 10 and appendix item: De'Ath, E. and Pugh, G. (eds) (1986) Working with Parents: A training resource pack, National Children's Bureau.
Figure and text on page 17: Adapted from Tassoni, P. (2000) Certificate Child Care and Education, 2nd edn, Heinemann Educational Publishing.
Photograph on page 19: Courtesy of Caroline Struthers.
Illustration on page 20: Copyright ? Catherine and Laurence Anhold.
Photograph on page 25: Supplied by Tate Education Department.
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The Course Team would also like to express special thanks to the following people for their valuable contributions to this unit:
Melian Mansfield, Executive member, Campaign for the Advancement of State Education (CASE).
Caroline Struthers, Home-School Partnership Coordinator, South Lanarkshire.
Emma Yates, Coordinator, Sure Start, South East Ipswich.
Rosemary Clarke, National Coordinator, Bookstart.