
翻译《Classroom Management》

Classroom Management

There is no doubt that more learning occurs in a well-managed classroom than in an unruly one. Every teacher wants to have good classroom management (as opposed to “control,” which implies a dictatorship-like atmosphere) so that students feel a sense of ownership and personal pride in the room. The challenge of achieving good classroom management never ends.

By taking proactive measures, a good teacher can avoid some classroom management problems that may accompany, for instance, changing from in-class mathematics to in-gym physical education. Suggestions for making low-key responses, and also for defusing the proverbial power struggle, should it arise, have been included.

Using Low-Key Management Techniques: Teachers who move smoothly from teaching to low-key intervention back to teaching enjoy classes of students who are more on task and avoid use of higher level management techniques.

Making Smooth Transitions: Teachers know how much time is lost daily in the transition from subject to subject, room to room, book to book, and so on—and how the risk of inappropriate behavior rises at these times; however, planning for smooth transitions often gets lost in the shuffle of daily responsibilities. Making smooth transitions results in more time on task, quiet classrooms, and a sense of class momentum.

Aiding Struggling Stragglers: There are some in every class: the students who always seem to be behind. If a teacher chooses to ignore them, or, worse still, berate them for their tardiness, the potential for disruptive behavior is great. The teacher who helps struggling stragglers enjoys more student successes, more classroom cohesiveness, and greater personal satisfaction.

Defusing a Power Struggle: While no hard-and-fast rules for dealing with explosive situations, commonly called “power struggles,” apply—every child is unique; therefore, every situation—I share a few classroom-tested ideas. The teacher who handles a power struggle well experiences more inner tranquility and ensures that students take responsibility for their actions.

Forming Random Groups: Teachers know the difficulties that forming flexible, non-homogeneous groups can cause. They are familiar with “Can I be in ___’s group?” and “I don’t want to be with ___.” There is a way around this. Early in the year explain that all groups will be formed by you and that everyone will, at some time, work with everyone else. Then use a variety of ideas to make this happen in quick, creative, teacher-controlled ways.

35. Using Low-Key Management Techniques
… that help to keep the class focused and on task

How often have you resorted to screaming at your class to get them on task, and then felt a tad incapable as a result?

“I like Ms. Marble. She never yells,” announced a smiling seven-year-old.
“Lucky you. Mrs. Shaw yells all the time,” a peer complained.
“Does that work? Does it make you all be quiet?”
“Mostly it just makes us yell louder.”
“Hmmm. I think Ms. Marble is better than Mrs. Shaw at making kids behave and do good stuff.”
“Me too. Wish I had Ms. Marble.”

Ten Ways to Use Low-Key Management Techniques

1. Use the “one-minute-talk” technique. When students are restless and chattering, tell them they have one minute from your start cue to your end cue, during which time they must talk. Works like a charm.

2. Use proximity. Move to an off-task student but avoid calling his name or embarrassing him.

3. Develop a rapport with “difficult” or reluctant students. Get to know them personally as well as from a “learning” point of view.

4. Circulate when students are working. Avoid the temptation to sit at your desk and mark.

5. Use nonverbal cues, such as a frown or crossed arms, when one or two students are off task.

6. Anticipate misbehavior and deal with it inconspicuously. Avoid making it the centre of attention.

7. Use I-messages when explaining your expectations: I need … I want … I expect …

8. Make positive descriptions of expected behaviors. (We will carry out this task with only quiet talk, as opposed to There will be no loud talking.)

9. Explain how misbehaviors personally affect you or make you feel. (When you do that, I have to stop my instructions. I feel upset when you … because I have to …)

10. Adopt the “stepping-on-my-last-nerve” technique. Find an obvious form of nonverbal communication that lets students know that they have pushed you as far as you can go.
10、采用最后警告策略, 采用非语言但是明显的信号告诉学生你已经到了宽容的极限了。

36. Making Smooth Transitions
… when changing subjects, physical locations, or the direction the class is moving

Have you ever thought your class was going beautifully until you asked them to put away one set of books and take out another?

Ms. Robertson tapped her chime. In an instant, the students stopped what they were doing, all eyes on the teacher. “Thank you,” she said quietly. “It’s circle time. Your record is 30 seconds. Do you think you can beat that today?” Eager heads nodded and murmured “yesses” filled the room, but no one moved.
罗老师敲响铃声,很快,学生们停下手上的动作,都看着老师。"谢谢,"她平静地说道:"现在是游戏时间,你们的纪录是30秒。 你们觉得今天能刷新纪录么?"教室里所有学生都急切地点着头,小声应道:"是的",但谁也没有动。

Ms. Robertson tapped the chime again. Suddenly, the whole class seemed to move as one, each student silently pushing a desk to the edge of the room, leaving the centre empty. Then the class quickly and quietly sat in a circle in the emptied area.

“Great!” Ms. Robertson cried, clapping her hands. “Twenty-eight seconds. A new record!”

Ten Ways to Make Smooth Transitions

1. Keep all transitions as brief as possible and plan ahead for them. (Know exactly what you want students to do.)

2. Always have all materials ready before class.

3. Establish and reinforce rules for entering, leaving, and beginning a class. Train students to respond to a “moving signal” and rehearse the actions.

4. Establish and reinforce procedures for routine tasks, such as the taking of attendance.

5. Plan more material than you think you need so that there is no unexpected down time.

6. Arrange the classroom for efficient movement of desks, students, and equipment.

7. Create and post a daily schedule and review this with your students.

8. Complete and clarify instructions before relinquishing student attention. (Don’t move until …)

9. Provide and stick to a time limit for the transition. Adopt the “beat your own time” concept. Kids love it and become experts quickly.

10. Always plan for down time. (When you are finished, you will …)

SCORE: Perfect Transitions

S Simplicity (of directions)
C Consistency (of directions)
O Organization (of actions)
R Reinforcement (of behaviors)
E Exactness (of directions)

S 操作的简易性
C 过程的连贯性
O 活动的组织性
R 强化学生行为
E 方向的正确性

37. Aiding Struggling Stragglers

… in a quiet, non-threatening manner to help them “catch up”

How often have you told yourself that if it wasn’t for ___ and ___ in your class, you’d have a perfect group?

“You haven’t even started your essay,” Mrs. Hughes said quietly to John. “What’s up?”

“I’m not gonna do it,” John replied firmly.

“Unacceptable,” Mrs. Hughes said matter-of-factly. “Let’s talk about this. How much will you do?”

“The first sentence.”

Mrs. Hughes appeared to consider this, then said, “Nope. Not good enough. I need more. How about the first two paragraphs?”

“No way,” John muttered. Then, getting into the “game,” he offered, “How about one paragraph?”

“One good paragraph?” Mrs. Hughes asked. John nodded. They shook hands and John began writing his paragraph.

Ten Ways to Help a Straggler

1. Solve the mystery. Try to find out why the student is behind—lack of confidence, missed skills or strategies, physical fatigue—and deal with your findings appropriately.


2. Reassess the needs of the particular student. Does he really need to do twenty questions, or can he get by with ten? Consider the minimum you will expect or he will need for success, and ask for only that.


3. Reinforce “partial completions.” Discuss what has been done, as opposed to what has not.


4. Make a prioritized list of all the areas or tasks in which the student is behind. Discuss this with her and strongly consider “wiping the slate clean” and offering a fresh start. (Sometimes, being far behind is so daunting that catch-up is impossible.) Alternatively, pick one or two important tasks to complete.


5. Offer individual or small-group tutorials at a regular time and place every week.


6. Use a barter contract (as in the anecdote above). Point out what is expected, ask the student how much he is willing or able to do, and come to an agreement about what will be completed. Increase your expectations a little at a time.


7. Seat the straggler close to a faster student, and encourage them to help each other. (One benefits in a practical way; the other, in the positive feeling that comes from helping a peer and from being appreciated by you.)


8. Consider giving the straggler an older student buddy, someone who comes to your class for a few minutes daily to help the straggler get organized and get going.


9. As soon as directions have been given, move to the straggler. Quietly and respectfully, provide more start-up motivation: for example, clarify directions, check for understanding, and check for necessary materials.


10. Keep parents informed of your efforts to help the straggler, but avoid burdening them with numerous areas in which the straggler is behind. This is your problem, not theirs.


38. Defusing a Power Struggle


… or any potentially explosive situation in the classroom

When did you last experience panic when a classroom situation suddenly escalated into that feared power struggle? Were your first thoughts, “Oh, oh, what do I do now?”


It had become a shouting match—teacher and student! Kendra’s misbehavior had finally pushed Mrs. White too far and the battle of wills was on. The louder Mrs. White reprimanded, the louder Kendra shouted back. Soon Kendra had toppled her desk and stormed from the room, Mrs. White right behind her.


By the time the principal and several colleagues had appeared, Kendra had broken a window and cut both herself and the teacher. Mrs. White felt terrible. She knew she should have done something differently; she just didn’t know what!


Ten Ways to Defuse a Power Struggle


1. If the student is still showing some semblance of control, offer pencils and paper and invite him to write or illustrate how he feels. If he wants to, he can tear the paper up.


2. Invite the student to take a speed walk either to a specific location, such as a washroom, and back, or once around the school.


3. Invite the student to imagine blowing a balloon up with his anger—then popping it.


4. Suggest use of a pre-established time-out area, and indicate how long the time-out should be. (See “Time-Out Procedure,” next page.)


5. Maintain eye contact and a calm voice when speaking to the student.


6. Maintain proximity to the student, but avoid being too close—she may feel her personal space has been compromised.


7. If you feel too irritated or angry to deal with the situation right then, take a time-out yourself. Explain that you need a few minutes and say exactly when you will return to the issue.


8. Invite the student to accompany you outside for a few minutes of fresh air. This allows both of you to get away from the reinforcement of classroom peers.


9. Avoid making such statements as “I know how you feel,” which the student may find patronizing. You can only guess.


10. In the heat of the moment, quickly remind yourself that you are the adult and will act like one, no matter how upset you may be. Describe the situation as you see it: “You seem angry. You didn’t get what you wanted to play with.”


Time-Out Procedure

All students should be taught about the time-out area and the appropriate way to use it.

1. Establish where the time-out area will be. It might be a corner, a carrel, an office, the hall, or a peer’s classroom. Location is dependent on the cooperation of other staff as well as the seriousness of the negative behavior. For instance, time-out for a “fight” would be best spent in the office.


2. Ensure that the time-out area has a desk or table and chair and any of the following: soothing music (headphones); a fish tank; a grudge jar (an empty container into which the student can place angry, written thoughts that are later reviewed with the student and either the teacher or counsellor); a tape recorder with a blank tape for recording thoughts (again, reviewed later); a couple of cushions; a supply of plain paper; and a variety of “safe” writing tools, such as pencils and crayons. In addition, provide some tactile tools, such as a soft, squeezable ball, textured materials, fur, and bubble paper (the plastic wrapping paper covered with tiny air bubbles, which children love to pop).


3. Establish for how long at a time a student can use the area. Five minutes is usually enough.


4. Emphasize that the time-out area is for emergency use only.


5. Have a sign-out sheet posted beside the door for students to record the time of leaving the class.


6. Teach the students how to use the time-out area appropriately.


* Ask for a time-out pass.
* Write your name on the appropriate paper that indicates exactly when you left the classroom.
* Go to the time-out area quietly and sit down.
* Write a brief account of why you are there.
* If desired, choose one of the available activities.
* When time is up, return to the room and sign back in.
* Give your written account to your teacher.

  • 领一个反省区使用证。
  • 在正确标明你开始反省的时间的正式文件中写上你的名字。
  • 悄悄走到反省区并坐下来。
  • 写一份你为什么在这里的简要说明。
  • 如果必要,可以选择一样东西使用
  • 时间到了后回到课堂并签到。
  • 把你写的说明交给老师。

7. Every time a student uses the time-out area, keep a permanent record of who, when, and for how long. This is very important in case you have to report to parents or the principal at a later date.


8. For debriefing, be sure to meet with a student who has used the time-out area sometime that same day.


39. Forming Random Groups


… whether they be for work or for play

Have you ever avoided a group activity because the thought of getting the students into groups was just too much to handle?


“I was in Angie’s group last time,” whined Tim. “Why do I have to be in her group again?”


“You picked the same color as she did, didn’t you? Yellow?” replied his teacher.


“Yep. But I didn’t want yellow.”


“Maybe next time you’ll pick a different color from Angie.”


“Geez!” Tim slumped off to the Yellow group. “Luck of the draw!”


The teacher smiled at his Grade 3 student’s response, glad that he had reinforced the Teacher’s Choice methods of grouping early in the year.


Note: Random groups are heterogeneous collections of students brought together for a specific game, activity, project, or task. They are not instructional groups, which are usually determined according to needs.


Ten Ways to Form Random Groups


1. Odds & Evens: Count, starting at “1.” All the odds go together, as do the evens. Recount within each group, using the same pattern, to form four groups in total.


2. Alphabet Awareness: Students take paper tags with a letter of the alphabet on each—there are as many different letters as groups desired. They silently choose a word beginning with the appropriate letter, perhaps boy for the letter “B,” then move around saying only their word to find others who have words beginning with the same letter. A letter “B” group might be made up of boy, big, black, butter, and perhaps a second boy. This activity promotes the alphabetic principle and phonemic awareness.


Note: If you don’t want the “sugar,” use colored poker chips, tiddlywinks, or small squares of paper.


3. Sweet Talk: From a bag or container, students randomly pull a piece of wrapped candy, one color or kind representing each group desired. For example, all the red candies signify one group. Once they have formed their groups accordingly, they can eat the candies.


4. Shakes: Students draw a tag with a number from a container. Keeping their numbers silent, they move around shaking hands with others—one shake for each number. They form their groups by quickly finding others with the same number of shakes.


Note: You can also use new vocabulary or spelling words on the papers.


5. Words: Use words relevant to a topic being studied and as many as you want groups. For example, to create six groups in Science, the words on slips of paper might be electricity, conduit, amps, wires, negative, positive. Students draw papers randomly and then locate other students with the same word.


6. Silent Signals: Verbs, such as creep, hop, slide, skip, and crawl, or feeling terms, such as sad, happy, angry, and nervous, appear on randomly chosen papers to encourage students to behave in a certain way to find their groups.

6、无声信号分组:将走、跳、滑、蹦、爬等动词或者悲伤、快乐、愤怒、 紧张等感觉随机写在纸上,让学生正确表达出来,以便找到相应的分组。

7. Happy Families: Randomly chosen papers identifying family members lead students to their “group families.” For example, Mother Smith, Father Smith, Uncle Smith, Sister Smith, and Baby Smith compose one group.


8. Sing-a-long: Randomly drawn papers indicate simple songs the students know (e.g., Three Blind Mice). On cue, students move around singing the songs as prompted by the papers and find others singing the same songs.


9. Switcheroo: Randomly select as many students as you want groups, for example, five students for five groups, and number the groups. Each student in turn chooses someone from the class. Once you randomly draw a number (1–5), the chosen student goes to the group with that assigned number. No one knows who will end up where.


10. Q/A: Pose as many questions on paper as desired groups; having correct answers on paper determines group membership.


Ten Tips for Effective Group Functioning

There are two types of groups: casual and instructional. These pointers apply to both.

1. Teach students rules for group behavior. Group members are expected to

* share duties and supplies equally
* cooperate with one another by using positive language and pleasant voices
* take turns listening to other members speak
* show respect to one another by being polite and giving positive comments for work well done
* help one another with any difficulties experienced
* work together to come up with one good idea, presentation, or project
* keep personal records of the time spent in the group

  • 平等分享责任与权利
  • 用积极的语言和动听的声音相互合作
  • 轮流倾听其他成员发言
  • 通过对他人完成的工作做出肯定和表示礼貌来相互尊重
  • 帮助遇到困难的组员
  • 共同完成一个好点子、一次展示或者一个项目
  • 尽可能多地把时间花在小组中

2. Decide whether you want homogeneous groups (usually for specific instructional purposes) or heterogeneous groups (usually for activities), and how many students per group. A homogeneous group consists of students with similar needs and abilities; a heterogeneous group, of students with varied abilities and needs.


3. Plan the manner in which you want students to form groups (see Ten Ways to Form Random Groups Easily and Deliberately, above). Prepare any necessary paper slips or colored markers.


4. Establish your expectations. Exactly what do you want the groups to do, where and when? Know the purpose.


5. Plan the work area and materials before letting students get into groups.


6. Before groups are formed, provide clear directions, both orally and in written form, set timelines for choosing roles within the group and brainstorming, and establish evaluation procedures for groups and individual group members.


7. If students will play individual roles within each group (leader, illustrator, speaker …), explain the roles and the way in which they will be determined before groups form.


8. Once groups are working, circulate and provide reinforcement.


9. To keep the idea of getting into groups fresh, constantly try innovative ways to accomplish this.


10. Add a competitive element to forming groups, for example, a prize for the first group to find all its members and sit quietly. This not only gets students moving quickly, it adds interest and limits the possibility of complaining about one’s group.


55 Teaching Dilemmas: Ten Powerful Solutions to Almost Any Classroom Challenge. Kathy Paterson. Copyright (C) 2005. All rights reserved. No reproduction without written permission.

五十五个教学难题:为几乎任何课堂挑战都提供了十个强有力的解决方案。凯瑟·帕特森。版权(C)2005 版权所有。未经书面许可不得翻录。
